Origami Animals
This page is dedicated to instructions for origami animals. There are many kinds of animals and there are many ways to categorize them. Please be patient because some of the links takes you to another page of links. Diagrams listed here are “easy” or “intermediate”. Instructions for “complex” origami animals and crease patterns are not included because they are beyond the range of this audience. Some models like origami tigers are inherently difficult, there’s no way around that. Click onto the A-B-C tabs to find your animal of choice. Enjoy the instructions and be sure to send us a photo of your newest origami creation.

Animals Beginning with Letter A
- Aardvark (A Bateman)
- Anteater (R Foelker)
- Alligators & Crocodiles
- 3-Banded Armadillo (J Wu)
- Armadillo: (AF Barbour) pg 1 , pg 2 , pg 3 , pg 4
- $Armadillo (J Cowling)

- Bear (?)
- Bear (J Montroll?)
- Bear (origami-paper.ru)
- Bear (KD Ennen)
- Bear (Encyclop of Origami)
- Dreaming Bear (G Dinh)
- Pureland Bear (S O’Hanlon)Teddy Bear (R Glynn)
- Fluffy Teddy Bear (M Kirschenbaum)
- Bear Face (origami-club.com)
- Boar, Pig, Hog
- Buffalo, Bison, Bull

- Camel (origami-club.com)
- Camel (origami-paper.ru)
- Camel (J Ewing)
- Dromedario (G Alvarez)
- Cat
- Chickens; Hens, & Roosters
- Cobra & Snakes
- Crabs, Clams, Conch Shells
- Crane & Birds

- Donkey (D Chang)
- Donkey 1 (KD Ennen)
- Donkey 2 (KD Ennen)
- Little Donkey/Burrito (mrmicawer)
- Dragons
- Ducks & Waterfowl

- African Elephant M Kirschenbaum)
- Africano Elefante (MA Echevarria)
- Baby Elephant (R F Castelejo)
- Elephant (S O’Hanlon)
- Elephant (CY Hung)Elephant (E Kofman)
- Elephant (M Bright)
- Elephant (R Neale)
- Elephant (D Chang)
- Elephant (origami-club.com)
- Elephant (traditional)
- Elephant (origami-paper.ru)
- Elephant pg 24 (J Maekawa)
- Elephant: 1 , page 2 (T Gotani)
- with modification
- Elefante (JL Figueroa)
- Elefante (M de Unamuno)
- Elefantito (Madueño/Lareo)
- Njogu (R Donachie)
- Volney’s Elephant (P Bailey)

- Fox (origami-club.com)
- Fox (M Leonard)
- Fox (P Jackson)
- Fox (G Dinh)
- Traditional Fox (R Foelker)
- Fox 96/Fuchs (P Forcher)
- Fox 99/Fuchs (P Forcher)
- Fox/Volpe (Palacios & Guinta)
- Fox Container (G Dinh)
- Fox Head (D Brill)
- Snapping Fox Head (traditional)
- Proud Fox (P Forcher)
- Sitting Fox (G Guspath)
- Frog

- Gazelle, Deer, Antelope
- Gerbil (R Lang)
- Giraffe (S O’Hanlon)
- Giraffe (P D’Auria)
- Giraffe (origami-paper.ru)
- Giraffe (?)
- Giraffe pg 23 (J Maekawa)
- Origami Giraffe (slamah)
- $Giraffe: 1, 2 (JM Sakoda)
- Goat & Sheep
- Goose, Ducks, Water Fowl

- Hamster (origami-club.com)
- Hamster (?)
- Hamster (G Sturm)
- Hamster (SA Spinolo)
- Very Easy Hamster (D Boursin)
- Russian Dwarf Hamster (E Kofman)Hare, Bunny, Rabbit
- Hedgehog: unit , assembly (origami-club.com)
- Hedgeghog (origami-paper.ru)
- Hedgehog (T O’Hara)
- Hedgehog (E Joisel)
- Hedgehog (G Dinh)Heron
- Hippo (G Dinh)
- Horses
- Hummingbird
- Hyena (O Hanlon)
- Hyena (P D’Auria)

- Ibis
- Insects
- Jackal Head: page 1, 2 (D Walker)
- Jelly Fish, Squid, Octopus
- Koala (J Zsebe)
- Koala (http://papiromania)
- Koala (origami-club.com)
- Koala 3 (E Corrie)
- Koala Head (Activity Village)

- Snow Leopard (J Wu)
- Leon (MA Echevarria)
- Lion 1 (chine-culture.com)
- Lion 2 (chine-culture.com)
- Lion (origami-club.com)
- Lion (T Gotani)Origami Llama (?)
- Llama (J Adams)
- Llama (ARDR Mundo)
- Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps

Panda Bear:
- Panda: (AF Barbour) pg 1 , pg 2
- Panda (S Chen)
- Panda side view(origami-club.com)
- Panda front view(origami-club.com)
- Panda Bear (S O’Hanlon)
- Panda Bear (R Diaz)
- Panda Head
- Parrots, Peacocks, Pelicans, Penguins
- Pig
- Platypus: (A Barbour): pg 1 , pg 2
Polar Bear:
- Polar Bear (B Peyton)
- Polar Bear (G Dinh)

- Rabbit, Bunny, Hare
- Raccoon/Mapache (E Corrie)
- Raccoon (J Montroll)
- Ram
- Rat
- Raven
- Reindeer
- Rhino (D Andreozzi)
- Rhino (NG Cuong)
- Black Rhinoceros (R Koh)
- Rhinoceros (S O’Hanlon)
- Rhinocerous (J Adams)

- 4-Fold Scorpion (Casalonga)
- Scorpion (origami-club.com)
- Scorpion (D Abbey)
- Scorpion (M Jackson)
- Scorpion (M Vigo)
- Scorpion/Escorpion (DF Becerra)
- Scorpion/Skorpion (KD Ennen)
- Scorpion/Skorpion (J Zsebe) Sea Urchin
- Seahorse
- Seal, Sea Lion
- Shark
- Sheep
- Skunk (N Robinson)
- Skunk pg 47 (J Montroll)
- Edible Snail (J Zsebe)
- Snail (page-a-day calendar)
- Snail (D Petty)
- Snail (origami-club.com)
- Snail/Caracol (?)
- Snail/Caracol (R Foelker)
- Snail/Caracol (SA Spinolo)
- Origami Snail (wikihow.com)
- Origami Snail (?)
- $Snail (M Jackson)
- $Snail (J Cowling)
- Snake
- Spider
- Squid, Octopus, Jelly Fish
- Squirrel (S O’Hanlon)
- Squirrel (P Bailey)
- Squirrel (F Grebenicek)
- Squirrel pg 18 (J Maekawa)
- Squirrel/Eichhornchen (P Forcher)
- Squirrel/L’ecureuil (C Boudias)
- Swan

End of origami animals page