Origami Sea Life (dolphins, whales, seals)

Origami sea life is as popular as origami flowers and birds. You can fold sea creatures ranging from angelfish to whales. This page is dedicated to larger sea creatures such as dolphins, whales, seals, manatees, sting rays, and sharks.


Origami Fish

Small Sea Creatures

Large Sea Creatures


Origami Sea Life Instructions

Dolphin (origami-club.com)
Dolphin (J Shafer)
Dolphin (D Brill)
Dolphin (N Robinson)
Dolphin (?)
Dolphin/Delfino (P D’Auria)
Dolphin; pg 44 (Montroll/Lang)
Dolphin (J Maekawa)
Origami Dolphin (?)
Origami Dolphin (T Yee)
Baby Beluga Whale (J Wu)
Beluga Whale (Shedd Aquarium)
Blue Whale (page-a-day calendar)
Humpback Whale pg 37 (Montroll/Lang)
Killer Whale (origami-club.com)
Killer Whale pg 41 (Montroll/Lang)
Narwhal (D Quick)
Narwhal/Narval (F Gilgado)
Origami Whale (R Katz)
Sperm Whale/Cachalote (Naranjo V)
Sperm Whale/Capodoglio (D D’Auria)
Sperm Whale pg 34 (Montroll/Lang)
Whale/Baleia (TC Ming)
Whale (JL Figueroa)

Eagle Ray (P Mielinis)
Manta Ray (J Nino): page 1, 2
Manta Ray (P D’Auria)
Raya-manta (mrmicawer)
Ray (origami-club)
Ray (HT Quyet)

Sting Ray (J Langeveld)

origami dolphin

origami dolphin

origami whale

origami narwhale

origami sting ray

origami shark

origami seal

origami sea lion

origami manatee

Origami Shark (PaperSharks.org)
Shark (origami-club.com)
Shark (?)
Shark/Tiburon (F Gilgado)
Shark/Tiburon (S Spinolo)
Great White Shark (J Wu)
White Shark/Squalo Bianco (D’Auria)
Shark Attack (J Shafer)
Shark Tooth (M Slayton)
Super Ryno’s Simple Shark (R Jones)
Sword Fish/Pesce Spada (P D’Auria)

Seal (page-a-day calendar)
Seal (Gerwin)
Seal (M Jackson)
Seal (MRH)
Seal (origami-club.com)
Seal (CC Leong)
Traditional Seal (D Petty)
Sea Lion (D Quick)
Sea Elephant (KD Ennen)
Walrus pg 32 (Montroll/Lang)
Origami Walrus: pg 1, 2
Manatee (G Willow)
Manatee (G Mayhew)


8.5 x 11 Turtle: pg 1 , 2 (P Bailey)
Baby Turtle (J Langeveld)
Box Turtle (P D’Auria)
Chinese Turtles
Durham Turtle (J Mascio)
Marine Turtle (World Wildlife Fund)
Origami Turtle (origamiWay)
Origami Turtle (H Ahn)
Origami Turtle (wikihow)
Origami Sea Turtle (D Quick)
Sea Turtle (C Weber)
Sea Turtle (AF Petlewski)

Sea Turtle (Shirako)

origami fish

Snapping Turtle (J Szinger)
Star Turtle (R Gretter)
Tavin’s Turtle (Tavin)
Traditional Turtle (A Walden)
Turtle (origami-club)
Turtle (origamiShrine)
Turtle (D Stephenson)

Tortoise (S O’Hanlon)
Tortoise/Tararuga (P Mauro)

Wave (G Ilan)


    Books with Origami Fish and Sea Creatures

    • Origami Fish and Other Sea Creatures Ebook by Nick Robinson and Dario Canova
    • Origami Sea Life: by John Montroll and Robert J. Lang
    • Origami Sea Creatures by Lisa Miles
    • Hawaiian Sea Life Origami: A Beginner’s Step-by-step Guide by Laurie Ide and Karley Ide
    • Origami Under the Sea by John Montroll and Robert J. Lang


    Get Books with Origami Sea Life


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