Origami Business Card Photos
This page has origami business card photos. Click here to go to the main business card origami page with more information and diagrams.
Business Card Ring
Inspired by the work of Mette Pederson. This business card unit is simple but difficult to fold only due to the thickness of business cards.
Business Card Tetrahedron
Described by many origami artists including Valerie Vann, Jeannine Mosely, and Kenneth Kawamura. Diagrams by Tom Hull.
Business Card Tetrahedral Frame
Uses 6 business cards. Instructions described by Francis Ow and Tom Hull.
Business Card Open Frame Cube
Created by Valerie Vann, uses 12 business cards.
Inspired by the work of Mette Pederson. This business card unit is simple but difficult to fold only due to the thickness of business cards.
Business Card Tetrahedron
Described by many origami artists including Valerie Vann, Jeannine Mosely, and Kenneth Kawamura. Diagrams by Tom Hull.
Business Card Tetrahedral Frame
Uses 6 business cards. Instructions described by Francis Ow and Tom Hull.
Business Card Open Frame Cube
Created by Valerie Vann, uses 12 business cards.
Business Card 4-Piece Cubocahedron
Created by Valerie Vann and possibly by Vicente Palacios. Published in Origami from Around the World, crease pattern supplied by Malache. Note that this is different from the 6-piece cubocahedron often attributed to Jeannine Mosely.
Business Card Modular Decoration I
Created by Paul Jackson, published in The Ultimate Papercraft and Origami Book – 1993 Edition.
Business Card Octahedron
Described by many origami artists including Valerie Vann, Jeannine Mosely, and Kenneth Kawamura. Diagrams by Tom Hull.
Created by Valerie Vann and possibly by Vicente Palacios. Published in Origami from Around the World, crease pattern supplied by Malache. Note that this is different from the 6-piece cubocahedron often attributed to Jeannine Mosely.
Business Card Modular Decoration I
Created by Paul Jackson, published in The Ultimate Papercraft and Origami Book – 1993 Edition.
Business Card Octahedron
Described by many origami artists including Valerie Vann, Jeannine Mosely, and Kenneth Kawamura. Diagrams by Tom Hull.
Business Card Icosahedron
Described by many origami artists including Valerie Vann, Jeannine Mosely, and Kenneth Kawamura. Diagrams by Tom Hull.
Business Card Dimpled Icosahedron
Model uses 5 R units and 5 L units. Created by Valerie Vann, crease pattern by Malache
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business card origami by Nick Robinson