Business Card Folds
There’s a lot you can do with a business card as shown by these creative people. Some origami purists do not like to cut their paper when doing origami. But if you were to allow cutting, you can make a whole new set of business card artwork that will surely turn heads.

Paul Jackson is one of the finest paper artists of our time. He has published numerous books on paper arts and coordinates “Folding Together“, a project which brings together Israeli and Palestinian children from the Jerusalem area. His business card is made through selective cutting and folding to create an Escher-like optical illusion. Photo by W Moser.

Ilan Garibi is a paper artist and he is not afraid to show it. His business cards are individually handmade by cutting a a piece of paper into the correct shape, and then folding the corner into a waterbomb base. That’s one way to show your talent.

Andy Chase is a web developer, but that doesn’t make him a boring computer nerd. His business card is made with an art form called origamic architecture. Not only is his business card very interesting, it has the added bonus of being reversible: if you turn the card around, you see the same image but the colors are reversed.

While we are on the topic of Origamic Architecture, have a look at this youtube video by animes25. They call it “Micro Origamic Architecture”. I call it amazing.

Though not exactly a business card, Jeremy Shafer also uses origami to promote his skills. He folds his promotional brochures in a fashion similar to Victorian puzzle purse (or “tato” in Japanese, and “Patenbriefs” in German). These paper pinwheels unfold into square brochures. It’s a lot more catchy than the typical tri-fold advertisements.

This business card by Emerson Taymor clearly requires cutting and minimal folding. Nevertheless the card expresses his humor and style. Can’t argue with that!
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