Golden Venture Folding
Golden Venture Folding (also called Chinese Paper Folding or 3D Origami) is a type of modular origami. Here, paper is folded into a simple triangular unit. Hundreds of these units are inserted into one another to create elaborate sculptures. The number of units needed depend on the level of complexity and the size of the model. Typically it would take 250 to 500 units to make a swan or a pineapple. [Photo: traditional swan by L Surber].

Chinese paper folding was probably invented in China. The art form was popularized in 1993 when a ship called the Golden Venture brought illegal Chinese immigrants into USA. While the Chinese refugees applied for political asylum, they were put in prison. To pass their time, the Chinese prisoners folded and assembled paper models. Some of the models were given as gifts to those who helped their cause; others were sold and the monies used to pay for legal fees. Some models were displayed in a traveling exhibit. In 2006, a movie was made depicting the conditions the illegal immigrants endured.
[Photo: Authentic 3D Origami art by political prisoner EE8A Lin Ru Kan;
accompanying documentation seen here; photos courtesy of M VanDyke.]
[Photo: Authentic 3D Origami art by political prisoner EE8A Lin Ru Kan;
accompanying documentation seen here; photos courtesy of M VanDyke.]

There are very few diagrams for these types of models because, given enough units, you can make almost anything. In many respects, the triangular paper units are like Lego pieces: just use your imagination and start creating!
- diagram for basic triangular units
- instructions for ring
- instructions for candy cane
- instructions for an egg
- instructions for swan
- this online tool allows you to generate GVF instructions
More about Chinese Paper Folding
Every now and then, there will be pertinent information regarding 3D origami and the amazing things that can be made given patience and persistence.
- fashion using 3D origami units.
- origami chair made with 35,000 pieces
- see large vase & lamp from flickr site
- blind man makes a 1300 piece peacock
- Wikipedia’s Chinese Paper Folding
- David Lister’s Golden Venture folding
- get educators’ resource packet
Photo: 3D Origami Minion by Giulia
Photo: traditional pineapple and Nemo by A Mak.
Books with 3D Origami
- 3D Origami: Step by Step Illustrations by Boutique-Sha (book review)
- More and More 3D Origami by Mieko Baba, Ikuko Mitsuoka, Yasuaki Okada, and Yoko Ishiguro
- More 3D Origami: Step-By-Step Illustrations by Joie Staff