Action Origami

Action Origami Diagrams
Ballon Bunny (Orc)
Blow-Up Bunny (Orc)
Croaking Frog (J Shafer)
Croaking Frog (F Shingu)
Frog Tongue pg 1 , pg 2 (J Shafer)
Frog (D Petty)
Chinese Jumping Frog (D Petty)
Chinese Jumping Frog (NF Grebenicek)
Jumping Frog (ORC)
Jumping Frog (D Petty)
Jumping Frog (J Smith)
Baby Bird: 1, 2 (J Shafer)
Big Bird (R Glynn)
Crawling Crow (F Shingu)
Drinking Bird (
Egg-Laying Chicken (Orc)
Flapping Bird (
Flapping Bird (P Jackson)
Flapping Bird (J Smith)
Fluttering Bird/Pajaro Aleteador (E Corrie)
Pecking Bird (P Jackson)
Snapping Bird/Pajarito (J Shafer)
Flapping Dragon (E Tan)
Nodding Dog (P Jackson)
Nodding Dog (J Smith)
Barking Dog (P Jackson)
Talking Dog (R Katz)
Puppy Pounce (P Bailey)
Caterpillar (N Robinson)
Egg-Laying Hen (D Petty)
Flapping Bat (T Hull)
Fox Head (D Petty)
Loitering Mouse (F Shingu)
Martian Bouncing Spider (P Bailey)
Monkey Climbing Mountain (Tavin)
Paper Puppet (R Katz)
Singing Fish (G Aharoni)
Chattering Fish (CY Hung)
Tare Panda (
Wiggling Dinosaur (F Shingu)
video (G Sturm)
Persimmon (D Petty)
Strawberry (R Cooker)
Tulip (
Venus Flytrap (J Shafer)
Venus Flytrap (JTB Molina)
Blinking Eye (F Shingu)
Smiling/Frowning George (J Shafer)
Thanks for the Chocolates Darlin’ (R Glynn)
Vampire Mouth (J Shafer)
Beating Heart (Orc)
Broken/Mended Heart here or here (E Young)
Can Love Be Squashed? (S Chen)
Heart Attack (J Shafer)
Throbbing Heart (F Shingu)
Transforming Heart (KA Lundberg)
Spinning Tops
Blow-Up Top (Y Yamauchi)
Dreidel: 1, 2, paper ,
(video) (Y Yamauchi)
Flying Color Mixer (JA Moreno)
Spinning Top (?)
Toothpick Top (F Shingu)
Two Color Spinner (A Pidel)
Whelling Top (F Shingu)
Yami’s Origami Spinning Top (Y Yamauchi)
Propeller (F Shinga)
Butterfly Ball (K Kawamura)
Double Star Flexicube (D Brill)
video (JE Jaramillo)
Fireworks (Y Yamauchi)
Jitterbug (TK Lam)
Magic Star (UFO) (R Neal)
Throwing Star (Jasper)
Banger (D Petty)
Banger (J Smith)
Catapult (F Shingu)
Catapult (P Budai)
Explo Envelope (J Shafer)
Finger Trap (G Ilan)
Jacob’s Ladder: (Y Yamauchi)
with A4,
with 8.5 x 11,
with square
Fortune Teller (ORC)
One Piece Flipper (S Chen)
Cradle – Somersault (NF Grebenicek)
Cradle – Somersault 2 (K Odstrcil)
Spring Into Action , video (J Beynon)
Simple Flasher , video (Palmer/Shafer)
Flasher Hat , video (J Shafer)
Flasher Big Bang , video (J Shafer)
Rocking Horse (R Koh)
Sliding Telescope (M van Gelder)
Squishy Blob (J Shafer)
Storm Cloud (P Budai)
Toy Car; video (H van Goubergen)
Waterbomb / Balloon (R Katz)
Smart Waterbomb video (P Chapman-Bell)
Action Origami Books
- Origami Ooh La La! Action Origami for Performance and Play by Jeremy Shafer
- Incredible Action Origami That Really Works by Paul Jackson
- Action Origami: Over 25 Animated Paperfolding Projects by Rick Beech
- Action Origami by Joe Fullman
- Origami in Action : Paper Toys That Fly, Flap, Gobble, and Inflate by RJ Lang
- see Action Origami books
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