Regular Mecho
• Classical Mecho & Ocho (from Kayaragusa)
• Formal Mecho & Ocho (Traditional), and
• Regular Mecho & Ocho (Traditional)
Instruction to fold “regular” Mecho is shown below.

It is unclear why Momotani uses the word “regular” to describe these butterflies, but the terms “formal” and “regular” will be used to maintain consistency.
Instructions to fold “Regular” Mecho.

Make a waterbomb base. Precrease a square sheet of paper as shown and collapse into an inverted waterbomb.

- Fold the edge of the flap towards the central midline. Make a pinch fold (green arrow).
- Mountain fold (fold back) the flap so the edge meets the pinch mark made above.
- Fold this flap in half (join green dots) so the edge of the flap aligns with the midline.
- Repeat with left flap.

- a) Mountain fold (fold behind) the tip of the model (this will be the head of the butterfly.
b) Make a valley fold so the tip of the head protrudes beyond the model.
- Mountain fold once more.
- Fold in the wings as shown.
- Valley fold the head region of the model to get an intricately pleated head.
- Done!

Mecho (female)

Ocho (male)
Books about Origami Butterflies
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