Origami Birds
In addition to paper cranes and flapping birds, there are hundreds of other origami bird models. Bird models are easy to create because a piece of paper has 4 corners and this corresponds with the 4 parts of a bird: head, tail, and two wings. Maybe the diagrams below will inspire you to create your own bird model. Click on the tabs to see your origami birds of interest.

Origami Birds
- American Woodcock (AF Barbour)
- Bird (H Birkeland)
- Bird/Pajaro (L Valldeneu)
- Bird (A Carpenter)
- Traditional Bird (make-origami.com)
- BirdN (N Robinson)
- Bird of Paradise: here or here (R Koh)
- Birds of the Sun God pg 3 (H Amimoto)
- Blackbird (D Andreozzi)
- Blue Jay pg 47 (J Montroll)
- Chirp Chirp (M Bright)
- BirdN (N Robinson)
- Bird of Paradise: here or here (R Koh)
- Birds of the Sun God pg 3 (H Amimoto)
- Blackbird (D Andreozzi)
- Blue Jay pg 47 (J Montroll)
- Chirp Chirp (M Bright)
- Chopstick-Wrapper Bird
- Drinking Bird (make-origami.com)
- Pecking Bird (P Jackson)
- Four-Birds Ornament (AF Barbour)
- Cardinal (J Villemaire)
- Cranes
- Crow/vrana
- Crow (S O’Hanlon)
- Pecking Crow
- Dove/Paloma (S Gonzales)
- Dove (M Jackson)
- Traditional Dove (make-origami.com)
- White Dove (J Needle)
- Passenger Pigeon (foldtheflock.org)
- Flapping Bird (P Jackson)
- Flapping Bird (BA Minch)
- Flapping Bird (diagram = A Anselmo)
- Fluttering Bird/Pajaro Aleteador (E Corrie)
- Hummingbird (C Weber)
- Hummingbird (KA Lundberg)
- Hummingbird (P Bailey)
- Hummingbird (D Abbey)
- Hummingbird pg 7 (J Koppel)
- Colibri/Hummingbird (OM Jimenez)
- Colibri/Hummingbird (C Boudais)
- Kiwi (brooklynorigami.com)
- Kiwi Bird (G Suarez)
- Pajarita (make-origami.com)
- Raven (J Ewing)

Origami Chickens & Turkeys
- Chicken (S Das)
- Chicken (Gerwin)
- Chicken (origami-club.com)
- Chicken 2 (origami-club.com)
- Chicken (Ł Gadomer)
- Chick (jj.supaman09)
- Chick’n’Egg (S Wooden)
- Chick ‘n ‘Egg together (Sarah)
- Disha Chick (B Dunkan)
- Easter Chick Origami (T Yee)
- Easy Chick (S O’Hanlon)
- Egg-Laying Chicken (Z Kricskovics)
- Origami Chick (kutchuk.com)
- Hen/Gallinita (P Madueno)
- Hen (J Zsebe)
- Newborn Chick/Recien Nacido
(D Alesanco) - Simple Hen & Chick (B Dunkan)
- Traditional Chicken (Orc)
- Turkey: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 (AF Barbour)
- Turkey (J Ku)
- Gobbling Turkey (J Stern)
- Swan/Turkey (ORC)

Origami Duck, Geese, Waterfowl
- Coot (P Bailey)
- Cormorant (A Szewczy)
- 3D Duck (Jassu)
- Domestic Duck (P D’Auria)
- Duck (E Corrie)
- Duck (A Walden)
- Duck (?)
- Duck/Kachna (Z Aytüre-Scheeleová)
- Duck/Kaczka (T Siwak)
- Hartham Ducks (J Meeusen)
- Seagull & Duck (H Birkeland)
- Money Duck (make-origami.com)
- Odd Duck (P Bailey)
- Prison Break Duck (D Flett)
- Prison Break Swan (E Swindle)
- Goose (J Montroll)
- Goose (E Kofman)
- Goose/Ganso (G Pons)
- Goose (D Brill)
- Canada Goose pg 41 (J Montroll)
- Curious Goose/Oca Curiosa (V Zanoni)
- Origami Goose (figureground studio)
- Wild Goose (?)
- Loon (J Wu)
- Seagull (S Andersen)
- Seagull/Gabbiano (D Derudas)
- Sea Gull (TP Kong)
- Sea Gull (origami-club.com)

Origami Eagles
- Eagle (S Adams)
- Eagle (Joseph Wu)
- Eagle (B Ewins)
- Eagle (R Koh)
- Eagle (TP Kong)
- Eagle (P Khadem)
- Eagle/Águia (N Silva)
- Eagle/Águila (mrmicawer)
- Eagle/Aigle (C Boudais)
- American Eagle (C Winchester)
- Bald Eagle pg 37, (R Lang)
- $Eagle (J Shafer)
- Orzek Przedni/Eagle (T Siwak)
- Sea Eagle (CC Leong)
- Traditional Eagle

Origami Flamingos, Herons, Ibis
- Flamingo (TP Kong)
- Flamingo/Fenicottero (D Derudas)
- Flamingo (C Boudias)
- Heron (G Willow)
- Heron (origami-paper.ru)
- Royal Heron Garza Real (OLR Villalobos)
- Ibis (C Weber)
- Sacred Ibis pg 8 (J Koppel)
- Scarlet Ibis (R Foelker)
- White Ibis (G Willow)

Origami Ostriches, Owl
- Ostrich (H Birkeland)
- Ostrich (origami-club.com)
- Stuzzo/Ostrich (P D’Auria)
- Ostrich (origami-paper.ru)
- Barn Owl:(AF Barbour): pg 1 , pg 2 , pg 3
- Eagle Owl (A Lozano)
- Horned Owl (E Binzinger)
- Owl (D Petty)
- Owl (HauntedHappenings.org)
- Owl (S Aoyagi)
- Owl (B Gargol)
- Owl (B Johnson)
- Owl/Eule (P Forcher)
- Owl/Hibou (Y Mouget)
- Owl/Ugle (S Anderson)
- Nightwatch (K Kraschewski)
- Simple Owl (A Kurth)

Origami Parrots, Peacocks
- Parrot (G Sturm)
- Parrot (M Jackson)
- Parrot (M Vigo)
- Parrot in Flight pg 9 (J Koppel)
- $Parrot (P Schulz)
- Macaw Parrot (R Foelker)
- Peacock (C Weber)
- Peacock (P D’Auria)
- Peacock (opane.com)
- Peacock (origami-club.com)
- $Peacock (R Lang)
- $ Simple Peacock (D Marston)
- Back to Back Peacock (J Villemaire)

Origami Pelicans, Penguins, Puffins
- Pelican (ORC)
- Pelican (P D’Auria)
- Pelican (C Weber)
- Pelican (TP Kong)
- Pelican pg 8 (J Koppel)
- 9-Fold Penguin (R Glynn)
- Baby Penguin (N Avila)
- Bottle Penguin (prefo)
- Penguin (origami-club.com)
- Penguin (M Jackson)
- Penguin (T Yenn)
- Penguin (H Pereira)
- Penguin (F Grebenicek)
- Penguin (TP Kong)
- Penguin (G Dinh)
- Penguin: (J Caboblanco)
or page 1 , 2 - Penguin (origami-paper.ru)
- 3D Manchot/Penguin (E Joisel)
- Penguin for Toothpicks (leidygra)
- Penguin Pete (R Katz)
- New Penguin pg 10 (J Koppel)
- Origami Penguin (L Breen)
- Puffin (AF Barbour)
- Puffin (P Versnick)

Origami Roosters, Toucans, Vulture
- Rooster (TP Kong)
- Good Morning Rooster (L Stringer)
- Rooster (E Binzinger)
- Rooster (M Vigo)
- Easy Rooster (RHC Bristle)
- Gallo/Rooster: here or here
- Gallo/Rooster (P D’Auria)
- Le Coq/Rooster (C Boudias)
- Cock of Dresden (von KD Ennen)
- Toucan (?)
- Toucan (H Birkeland)
- Vulture (C Weber)
- Vulture (P Schulz)
- Vulture pg 24 (R Lang)

Origami Swans
- 3D Origami Swan (ORC)
- Art Deco Swan (T Stamm)
- Bus Swan/Cisne (David_paperfold)
- Duo Swan/Due Cigni (D Derudas)
- Great Swanny (M van Gelder)
- On(Under) the Water (H van Goubergen )
- Origami Austria Swan (A Kaslunger)
- Origami Swan (ORC)
- Swan (origami-club.com)
- Swan (I Garibi)
- Swan (R Donachie)
- Swan (TP Kong)
- Swan (J Zsebe)
- Swan/Angsa (H Tahir)
- Swan/Cisne (P D’Auria)
- Swan/Cisne (LP Martínez)
- Swan/Cisne (M Sirgo)
- Swan/Cigno1 (F Guarnieri)
- Wedding Swan (AF Barbour)
- $Swan (P Bailey)