Florence Temko Library Collection

The Mingei International Museum in San Diego has a huge collection of origami (and paper arts) books that were donated by Florence Temko. With appointment, visitors to the Museum can browse through her book collection; though, they are not available for lending/borrowing. This collection of books is very impressive and includes some gems that are no longer in print. Florence Temko would like to inform the Origami community of the contents in her book collection.


An Announcement from the Mingei International Museum in San Diego

The Frances Hamilton White Art Reference Library at Mingei International Museum in San Diego houses the Temko Papercraft Collection. This collection, consisting of more than 500 books primarily on origami, also includes some titles on other paper arts, such as Kirigami, paper cutting, paper sculpture, papercraft for children, kites, ornaments, storytelling, puzzles and magic. The books were donated by Florence Temko and are listed on a 34 page PDF document that you may download.

The Frances Hamiton White Library is open to members Tuesday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00. Paperfolders, teachers and other interested members of the public may visit the library by appointment.

(619) 239-0003 ext. 132.

Mingei International Museum presented the Origami Masterworks exhibition in 2003, which prompted the international recognition of origami as an art form and of Mingei International Museum as the most important origami resource on the West Coast of the U.S.A.


Comments by Florence Temko

As stated, this collection contains books not only on origami but other paper crafts. As paperfolders are mainly interest in books abut origami I have culled the list and you will find that the complete 34-page list is followed by another 19-page list of books only about origami, plus a few titles on math, etc. that I think may be of interest to paperfolders.


Complete List of Books in Temko Papercraft
Collection in the
Mingei International Museum

20 Years of Cepelia. New York, NY: Cepelia Corp.

72 Effective needlery stitches. Nantucket Island, MA: Nantucket School of Needlery, n.d.

Abraham, Robert Morrison. Easy to Do Entertainments and Diversions With Cards. New York, NY: Dover Pubns, 1984.

Accorsi, William. Accorsi Puzzles. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1978.

Adelson, Laurie. Aymara Weavings. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Inst Pr, 1983.

Adler, Irving. Mathematics; the Story of Numbers, Symbols, and Space. New York, NY: Golden Press, 1958.

Adler, Peter. Asafo!: African Flags of the Fante. London: Thames & Hudson, 1992.

Alaska. . Juneau, AK: Alaska Tourism Marketing Council, 1992.

Aleene. Tissue Paper Terrifique. Temple City, CA: Aleene’s Inc., 1966.

Alkema, Chester Jay. Creative Paper Crafts in Color. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Co., 1967.

Allport, Alan. Paper Sculpture. London, England: Pelham Bks., 1971.

Along the Ancient Silk Routes. New York, NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.

Ambrose, Kay. Classical Dances and Costumes of India. London, England: Adam and Charles Black, 1957.

American Craft – August/September 1982. Fort Lee, NJ: American Craft Council, 1982.

Amery, Heather. The Know How Book of Action Toys. London, England: Edc Pub, 1988.

Anderson, Gene. Newspaper Magic. Chicago, IL: Magic, Inc., 1968.

Araki, Chiyo. Origami in the Classroom. Rutland, VT

: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1965.

Arceneaux, Marc. Six Paper Airplanes. San Carlos, CA: Carlisle, n.d.

Art and Science of Papermaking in the 18th Century. Chicago, IL: West Va. Pulp and Paper Co., n.d.

The Art of Keisuke Serizawa: a National Treasure of Japan. Riverside, CA: Riverside Museum Press, 1997.

The Art of Paper Tearing: Methods and Routines for the Amateur Performer. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1970.

Bahti, Mark. Southwestern Indian Arts & Crafts. Las Vegas, Nevada: Kc Pubns, 1983.

Balazs, Haui. Repulok! 20 Papirrepulo. Hungary: Kricskovics Zsuzsanna, 1988.

Bandboxes and Shopping Bags in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978.

Baquedano, Elizabeth. Aztec Inca & Maya. New York, NY: Alfred a Knopf, 1993.

Barr, Stephen. Experiments in Topology. New York, NY: Ty Crowell Co, 1964.

Barry, Sheila Anne. Tricks and Stunts to Fool Your Friends. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co, US, 1984.

Bartok, Mira. Stencils West Africa Nigeria. : Good Year Books, 1996.

Baxter, Biddy. Blue Peter Book of Presents. London, England: British Broadcasting Corp., 1970.

Beal, George. Tricks and Puzzles (Super Facts Series). New York, NY: Derrydale, 1992.

Bean, Joseph W. Patterns and Lessons for Beginning Papercutters. San Francisco, CA: Papercutting World, 1987.

Beech, Rick. Practical Origami: a Step-by-Step Guide to the Ancient Art of Paperfolding. Hermes House, 2002.

Bell, Lilian A. Plant Fibers for Papermaking. McMinnville, OR: Liliaceae Press, 1981.

Belves, Pierre. Les Metiers en Images Lumineuses. France: Flammarion, 1953.

Berg, Elizabeth. Family Traditions: Celebrations for Holidays and Everyday. Pleasantville, NY: Readers Digest, 1992.

Berman, Jules. Pre-Hispanic Mexican Art. San Diego, CA: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1973.

Boat Swing to Make Yourself. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Meier Verlag, n.d.

Borssuck, B. Ninety Seven Needlepoint Alphabets. New York, NY: Arco, NY, 1976.

Boyd, Ida E. When Mother Lets Us Cut Out Pictures. New York, NY: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1912.

The Bremen-Town Musicians. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Co., 1964.

Brokaw, Meredith. The Penny Whistle Christmas Party Book: Including Hanukkah, New Years’s and Twelfth Night Family Parties. New York, NY: Fireside, 1991.

Brossman, Julia and Martin. A Japanese Paper-Folding Classic; Excerpt from the Llost Kan No Mado. Washington: Pincone Press, 1961.

Brown, Marcia Beals. Origami as a Tool in Diagnostic Testing. : Brown and Loomis, n.d.

Brown, Rosalie. Brownies Make Things. Buckinghamshire, England: J Goodchild, 1973.

Brown, Rosalie. Handicrafts for All Seasons. Buckinghamshire, England: J. Goodchild, 1974.

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Sonnets from the Portuguese. New York, NY: Avenel Books; Crown Publishing, Inc., n.d.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: III, Plaiting. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: VIII, Games and Recreation. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: IX – Musical Instruments. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: XIII – Death and Burial. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Burdett, Rosalind. Creative Book of Gift Wrapping. Sydney ; Auckland: Salamander Books, 1997.

Burggraf, Manfred. Fun with Coloured foil. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1966.

Caney, Steven. Steven Caney’s Kids’ America. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 1978.

Card and cardboard. New York, NY: F. Watts, 1971.

Castor, Pere. Le Beau Jeu des Vitreaux. “The Beautiful Views through Windows.” Flammarion, France: Les Albums du Pere Castor, 1934.

Cerceda, Adolfo. The Folding Money Book. Chicago, Illinois: Ireland Magic Co., 1965.

Chabbert, Andre. La Sculpture en Papier: La Flore. Paris, France: Bordas, 1972.

Chabbert, Andre. La Sculpture en Papier: La Geometrie. Paris, France: Bordas, 1970.

Chalmers, Irena. Napkin folding. Greensboro, NC: Potpourrie Press, 1978.

Chatani, Masahiro. Paper Magic: Pop-Up Paper Craft. Tokyo, Japan: Ondorisha Publishers, 1988.

Chicago, Judy. Embroidering Our Heritage: The Dinner Party Needlework. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday, 1988.

Chinese Childhood. London, England: Pollock’s Toy Museum, n.d.

Chino, Toshio. Origami: Vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1978.

Christensen, Bodil. Witchcraft and Pre-Columbian paper “ Brujerias y Papel Precolombino”. Mexico, D. F.: Ediciones Euroamericanas, 1972.

Christmas Origami – 1: Tree Ornaments. Tokyo, Japan: Froebel-kan Co., Ltd., 1985.

Christmas Origami – 2: Party Decorations. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.

Christmas Origami – 3: Gift Wrap and Cards. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.

Christmas Origami – 4: Wreaths and Displays. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.

Churchill, E. Richard. How to Make Optical Illusion: Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing, 1990.

Churchill, E. Richard. Instant Paper Toys: To Pop, Spin, Whirl, and Fly. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1987.

Churchill, E. Richard. Terrific Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1992.

Churchill, E.Richard. Paper Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co. , 1992.

Churchill, E.Richard. Quick and Easy Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1989.

Coeur, Ferdinand. Jeux de Pliage. Paris, France: Flammarion et Cie, 1956.

Cole, Ann. Children are Children are Children. Boxton, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1978.

Collin, Lore. Stampcraft: Picture Play with Postage Stamps. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1961.

Cordello, Becky Stevens. Celebrations. New York, NY: Butterick Publishing, 1977.

Cornelius, V’Ann. Mathematics through Art: Origami. San Diego, CA: Paperfolding Arts, 1990.

Cox, Jeremy. Folding Frenzy: Nine Mind-Bending Folding Puzzles to Drive You Crazy!. New York, NY: Harmony Books, Crown Publishing, 1981.

Cram, Ralph Adam. The Great Thousand Years. Chicago, Il: Brothers of the Book, 1918.

Crawford, Maureen. Handmade Greeting Cards. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., Inc., 1992.

Create-a-Kite: How to Build and Fly Your Own Kites. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1977.

Cunliffe, John. 8 Napkin folds. UK: British Origami Society, 1978.

Cunliffe, John. Envelope and Letter Folding. United Kingdom: British Origami Society, 1988.

Curtis, Annabelle. Paper People: A Collection of 12 Paper Characters to Cut Out and Glue Together. : Tarquin, 1997.

Cut Yourself a Bunch of Fun. Framingham, MA: Dennison Manufacturing Co., 1968.

D’Amico, Victor. Assemblage: a New Dimension in Creative Teaching in Action. New York, NY: Museum of Modern Art, 1972.

Day, Frederick T. An Introduction to Paper: Its Manufacture and Use. London, England: Newnes Educational Pub. Co., Ltd., 1962.

Day, JoAnne C. Decorative Silhouettes of the Twenties for Designers & Craftsmen. New York, NY: Dover Pub. Co., 1975.

Dayan, Ruth. Crafts of Israel. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1974.

de Mare, Eric Samuel. Your Book of Paper Folding. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1968.

Dean, Joan. Art and Craft in the Primary School. London, England: Adam & Charles Black, 1966.

Designer’s Guide to Color. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1983.

Dickey, Roland F. New Mexico Village Arts. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1970.

Dictionary and Guide to Paper Terms. Park Ridge, IL: Peacock Business Press, Inc., n.d.

Dierdorp, To. Origami: Gevouwen Sieradensets. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1983.

Dockree, Yvonne. A Kaleidoscope of Tissue Paper Crafts. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc., 1972.

Dollar Bill Origami: Creative Paper Folding. Troll, 2001.

Dolloff, Francis W. How to Care for Works of Art on Paper. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1971.

Dortch, Barbara. Things Children Can Make for All Holidays. New York, NY: Maco Publishing Co., Inc., 1967.

Douglass Morse Howell Retrospective. New York, NY: American Craft Museum, 1982.

Dudeney, Henry Ernest. Amusements in Mathematics. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1958.

Eames, Alexandra. The Art of Gift Wrapping. New York, NY: Southmark, 1993.

Easy Costumes You Don’t Have to Sew. New York, NY: Four Winds, 1977.

Eisenschink, Johanna. Papierplastiken. Heidelberg, Germany: Kemper, 1968.

Eisner, Vivienne. Crafting with newspapers. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1976.

Eisner, Vivienne. The Newspaper Everything Book: How to Make 150 Useful Objects from Old Newspapers. New York, NY: Dutton, 1975.

Evans, C. S. The Sleeping Beauty. New York, NY: Dover, 1971.

Evans, Larry. 3-Dimensional Mazes. San Francisco, CA: Troubador Press, 1976.

The Fantastic Fun Flying Book : Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1978.

Farmer, Jane M. New American Paperworks. San Francisco, CA: The Council, 1982.

The Fascinating Art of Paper Folding (Origami). Park Ridge, Illinois: Graff Publications, Inc., 1965.

Fawdry, Marguerite. Chinese Childhood: a Miscellany of Mythology, Folklore, Fact and Fable. London, England: Pollocks Toy Theatres Limited, 1977.

Fawley, Audrey. How-to-Do Paper Toys. London, England: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1968.

Fedoroff, George. Alaska. Washington, DC: U.S. Indian Arts & Crafts Board, Winter 1966.

Feng, Jiang. Yan’an Papercuts. China: The People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, n.d.

Ficarotta, Phyllis. Treasury of Craft Designs. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1973.

Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego. Jules Berman Collection of Mexican
Pre- Columbian Art. San Diego, CA: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1973.

Fisher, Leonard Everett. The Papermakers. New York, NY: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1965.

Flammarion, Ernest. Contes de Fees en Images Lumineuses. France: Flammarion, 1934.

Flammarion, Ernest. Decoupages. France: Les albums du Pere Castor, 1948.

Fletcher, Helen Jill. Paper Fun: Lots of Things to Do and Make with Paper. New York, NY: Paxton-Slade Publishing Corp., 1954.

Florian Papp (Firm). Rolled, Scrolled, Crimped, and Folded : The Lost Art of Filigree Paperwork. New York: Florian Papp, n.d.

FMR: the Magazine of Franco Maria Ricci. New York, NY: Franco Maria Ricci International, 1984.

Fox, Sandi. Quilts: California Bound, California made 1840 – 1940. Los Angeles, CA: FIDM Museum & Library, 2002.

Frank, Vivian. An Introduction to Picture Framing: Iinnovative Ideas. London, England: Apple Press, 1990.

Frank, Vivian. Making Masks. London, UK: Apple Press, 1992.

Franz Otto, Schmaderer. Spielen, Sehen, Denken. Ravensburg, Netherlands: Otto Meier, 1971.

French, Brian. Principles of Collage. London, England: Mills & Boon, 1969.

Fried, Frederick. America’s Forgotten Folk Arts. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1978.

Frohlichstein, Jack. Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1962.

Fulves, Karl. Self-working Paper Magic: 81Foolproof Tricks. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1985.

Gaensslen, Agnes. Glitzernde Geschenke. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus- Verlag Herder, 1969.

Games, Naomi. The Puzzle Peepshow. London, England: Piccolo Books, 1983.

Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1956.

Gardner, Martin. More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. Middlesex, England: Penquin Books, Ltd., 1961.

Gardner, Martin. Science puzzlers. London, England: MacMillan & Co., Ltd., 1962.

Gardner, Martin. The Arrow Book of Brain Teasers. New York, NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1959.

Garritson, Jane Schmalholz. Child Arts : Integrating Curriculum through the Arts. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, 1979.

Georgeot, Alain. Le Ticket Replie. Paris, France: Editions Fleurus, 1994.

Gibson, Walter Brown. Fell’s Guide to Papercraft Tricks, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: F. Fell, 1963.

Gordon, Stephen F. Making Picture-Books: a Method of Learning Graphic Sequence. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1970.

Grafton, Carol Granger. Silhouettes: A Pictorial Archive of Varied Illustrations. New York, NY: Dover, 1979.

Granit, Inga. How to Make Things Out of Cardboard. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1964.

Grater, Michael. Creative Paper Toys and Crafts: 15 Easy-to-do Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1974.

Grater, Michael. Cut and Fold Paper Spaceships that Fly. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1980.

Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper. London, England: Mills & Boon Ltd., 1961.

Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper; Creative Three-Dimensional Paper Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1983.

Grater, Michael. One Piece of Paper, for Children and for Teachers. London, England: Mills & Boon, Ltd., 1963.

Grater, Michael. Paper Faces. London, England: Mills & Boon, 1967.

Gray, Alice. The Magic of Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1977.

Grimm, Brothers. Marchen Berts Deutfche Sammlung. Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt, n.d.

Gross, Gay Merrill. Origami: New Ideas for Paperfolding. New York, NY: Mallard Press, 1990.

Group of Young Paper Makers of Japan. Japan.

Grove, Richard. Mexican Popular Arts Today. Colorado Springs, CO: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1954.

Haddon, Kathleen. String Games for Beginners. Wargrave, Berkshire: John Adams Toys Ltd., 1976.

Harbin, Robert. More Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding no. 2. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1971.

Harbin, Robert. Origami 3: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Coronet Books, 1972.

Harbin, Robert. Origami 4: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1977.

Harbin, Robert. Origami: a Step by Step Guide. London, England: Hamlyn Pub. Group, Ltd., 1974.

Harbin, Robert. Origami: Compendium no. 1. Great Britain: J. Maxfield, 1970.

Harbin, Robert. Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1970.

Harbin, Robert. Paper Magic: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Oldbourne Book Co., Ltd., 1959.

Harbin, Robert. Secrets of Origami: the Japanese Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Octobus Books Ltd., 1971.

Hartung, Rolf. Creative Corrugated Paper Craft. London, England: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1971.

Harvey, Marian. Crafts of Mexico. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1973.

Hauswirth, Johann Jakob. Scherenschnitte aus Hundert Jahren. Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber, 1959.

Hawkesworth, Eric. Paper Cutting: Making all Kinds of Paper Shapes and Figures. New York, NY: S. G. Phillips, 1977.

Hawley, W. M. Chinese Folk Designs. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1949.

Heard, James. Scraps: Pollock’s Victorian Scrap Album. London, England: Pollocks Toy Theatres Ltd., 1977.

Hejzlar, J. Chinese Paper Cut-outs. Spring Place, London: Spring Books, 1960.

Heller, Jules. Mon ami Pierrot – Songs and Fantasies. Chicago, IL: Brothers of the Book, 1917.

Heller, Jules. Papermaking. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1978.

Henderson, Marjorie. Whatnot : a Compendium of Victorian Crafts & Other Matters, Being a Compilation of Authentic Home & Hand Crafts Popular in the era of Her Most Excellent Majesty, Victoria, by the Grace of God Queen. New York, NY: Morrow, 1977.

Herrmann, Reinhard. A Christmas Crib Book. London, England: Blackie & Son Ltd., 1961.

Herrmann, Reinhard. Zoo Pals Color ‘n ‘Cut Jungle Story. New York, NY: Panline U.S.A. Inc., 1989.

Hickman, Peggy. Silhouettes. New York, NY: Walker, 1968.

Hill, Cuthbert William. Discovering Picture Postcards. Tring, England: Shire Publications, 1970.

Hiner, Mark. Paper Engineering for Pop-up Books and Cards. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1985.

Hiner, Mark. Up-pops: Paper Engineering with Elastic Bands. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1991.

Hobson, Anthony F. An Introduction to Paper Sculpture. Leicester, England: Dryad Handicrafts, n.d.

Hogemann, Marta. Mobile. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus – Verlag, 1964.

Holiday, Ensor. Altair Design: an Envelope of 12 Copies of 8 Different Design Sheets. Harlow, Essex: Longman Group Limited, 1970.

Holz, Loretta. Christmas Spider, The. New York, NY: Philomel/UNICEF, 1980.

Holz, Loretta. Mobiles You Can Make. London, England: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1975.

Holz, Loretta. The How-to-Book of International Dolls. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1979.

Home Decorating with Paper Flowers. Framingham, MA: Dennison Manufacturing Co., 1967.

Honda, Isao. How to Make Origami; the Art of Paper Folding. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1959.

Honda, Isao. Mon-kiri: Japanese Art of Paper Cut-Out. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd., 1959.

Honda, Isao. New Origami: Introduction. Japan, 1967.

Honda, Isao. Origami Festival. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.

Honda, Isao. Origami Holiday. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.

Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun –Kangaroo Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1968.

Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun – Pony Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.

Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.

Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.

Hopf, Claudia. Scherenschnitte: the Folk Art of Scissors Cutting. Lancaster, PA: John Baer’s Sons, 1971.

Hopf, Claudia. Scherenschnitte: Traditional Papercutting. Lebanon, PA: Applied Arts Publishers, 1977.

Houston, James. Eskimo Prints. Barre, MA: Barre Publishing Co., Inc., 1967.

How to Decorate with Pomps. So. Whitley, Indiana: Stump Printing Co., 1967.

Huang, Ch’ing-yun. Flowers in Full Bloom. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1966.

Huber, Johanna. Lustiges Papierfaltbuchlein. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier Verlag, 1962.

Huff, Vivian. Let’s Make Paper Dolls. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1978.

Hundred Things Japanese. Tokyo: Japan Pubns. Inc., 1976.

Hunt, W. Ben. American Indian Beadwork. New York, NY: Bruce Publishing Co., 1951.

Hunter, Dard. Papermaking through Eighteen Centuries. New York, NY: William Edwin Rudge, 1930.

Hutchings, Margaret. What shall I Do Today?. London, England: Mills & Boon Limited, 1965.

Hwang, Joyce. Christmas Kirigami: Fun with Paper Folding and Cutting: Basic Design 1. Union City, CA: Heian International Inc., 1991.

Hwang, Joyce. Kirigami 3: Fun with Folding and Cutting Flowers. Union City, CA: Heian International Inc., 1991.

Hwang, Joyce. Kirigami: Fun with Folding and Cutting Flowers: Basic Design 1. Union City, CA: Heian International Inc., 1990.

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Woodworking Handtools, Instruments and Devices. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1974.

Imanishi, Sukeyuki. The Moon and the Fishes. 1973: Gakken Company, Ltd., 1973.

Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses: Source Directory. Washington, D.C.: Indian Arts & Crafts Board, 1985-1987.

Inoue, Fumio. Origami-Dream IV. Japan, 1996.

Ishigaki, Komako. Japanese Paper Dolls. Osaka, Japan: Hoikusha, 1983.

Jablonski, Ramona. Folk Art Designs to Color or Cut from Polish Wycinanki and Swiss and German Scherenschnitte. Owings Mills, MD: Stemmer House Publishers, Inc., 1978.

Jablonski, Ramona. The Chinese Cut-out Design Coloring Book. Owings Mills, MA: Stemmer House Pub. Inc., 1981.

Jablonski, Ramona. The Paper Cut-Out Design Book: A Sourcebook for Creating and Adapting the Heritage of American Folk Art, Polish Wycinanki, Chinese Hua Yang, Japanese. Owings Mills, Md.: Stemmer House Pub, 1976.

Jackson, Paul. Flying mobiles: 14 Easy-to-Make Models. NSW, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1989.

Jackson, Paul. Origami Christmas Tree Decorations. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.

Jackson, Paul. Philip Shen: Selected Geometric Paper Folds. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.

Jackson, Paul. Tricks and Games with Paper. Mahwah, New Jersey: Watermill Press, 1988.

Jackson, Valerie. Crafts: Yesterday’s Crafts for Today. Guildford, England: Lutterworh Press, 1979.

James, Susan Niner. Decorative Papercrafts: Workstation. Grosset & Dunlap, 1996.

Jansen, Greetje. Vrolijke fimo-popjes. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1994.

Japan Origami Study Group. Happy origami. Tokyo, Japan: n.d.

Japanese Wood Block Prints. Kyoto, Japan: Uchida Wood Block Print Co., Ltd., n.d.

Jayne, Caroline Furness. String Figures and How to Make Them: a Study of Cat’s Cradle in Many Lands. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1962.

Jencks, Charles. Adhocism: the Case for Improvisation. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1972.

Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 1. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.

Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 2. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.

Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 3. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1982.

Jenkins, Gerald. The Gift Box Book. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, n.d.

Jenner, Michael. Flipdesigns. New York, NY: Prestel-Verlag, 2001.

Johnson, Donovan. Paper Folding for the Mathematics Class. Washington, DC: NCTM, 1957.

Johnson, June. 838 Ways to Amuse a Child; Crafts, Hobbies, and Creative Ideas for the Child from Six to Twelve. New York, NY: Gramercy Publishing Co., 1960.

Johnson, Pauline. Creating with Paper: Basic Forms and Variations. Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington Press, 1981.

Jones, Madeline. The Mysterious Flexagons; an Introduction to a Fascinating New Concept in Paper Folding. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1966.

Jonson, Wilfrid. MagicTricks and Card Tricks. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1954.

Joseph, Joan. Folk Toys Around the World and How to Make Them. New York, NY: Parents’ Magazine Press, 1972.

Jumping Jack: a Paste-Craft Kit for Home or School. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier Verlag, n.d.

Junior Girl Scout handbook. New York, NY: Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., 1963.

Kang, Keum Ja. Treasures of Korean Art : Kang collection. New York, NY: Kang Collection, Inc., 2004.

Kao, Nin Feng. Cut-Outs of People. China: Hebei People’s Publisher, 1979.

Kaplan, Dorothy. Perceptual Development through Paper Folding. Deal, NJ: Kimbo Educational Records, 1971.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 1. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 2. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 3. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 5. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. The Book to Enjoy Origami. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Wonderful Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1976.

Katz, Ruth J. Wrap It Up! Creative Gift Wrapping for All Occasions. Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1983.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Creative Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Koikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1977.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Animals. Tokyo, Japan: T. Kawai, 1977.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1970.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Play. Tokyo, Japan: Hozansha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1964.

Kawasaki, Ichiro. The Japanese Are Like That. Rutland, VT and Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1955.

Kemper, Frederick W. Kirigami: Simple Paper Visuals that Teach Bible Truths. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1979.

Kenneway, Eric. Origami in Action. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1972.

Kenneway, Eric. Puzzles to Make. Leicester. England: Reeves-Dryad Press, 1974.

Kenneway, Eric. Simple Origami. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1970.

Kenneway, Eric. Volti in Origami. Milano, Italy: il Castello, 1978.

Khan, Arona. Wrap it Up. London, UK: Ward Lock, 1990.

Kim, Dette. Paper Craft. Devon, England: David Porteous, 1997.

Kitagawa, Yoshiko. Creative Cards: Wrap a Message with a Personal Touch. New York, NY: Kodansha International, 1990.

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Tyrrell, Susan. Kites: the Gentle Art of High Flying. Garden City, NY: Dolphin Books, Doubleday & Co., Inc.

Unearthing New England’s Past: the Ceramic Evidence. . Lexington, MA: Scottish Rite Museum & Library, 1984.

Utchiyama, Kosho. Origami #1. Japan: Suzuki Publishing Co., n.d.

Utchiyama, Kosho. Origami Play.

Van Breda, A. Adventures with Paper. London, England: Faber & Faber, 1960.

Van Breda, A. Children’s Playbook. London, England: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1954.

Van Breda, A. Paper Folding and Modelling. London, England: Faber & Faber, 1965.

Van Breda, A. Pleasure with Paper. London, England: Faber & Faber, 1956.

van der Ploeg, Elsje. Combistempelen op papier, piepschuim en perkament. Baarn, Netherlands: LRV – Kreatlief, 1995.

van der Ploeg, Elsje. Origami – el-Genaardigheden. Utrecht, Holland: LRV Kreatief, 1999.

van der Ploeg, Elsje. Origami – Kirigami: Papiervouwen en Papierknippen. Helmond, Belgium: Uitgeverij Helmond, 1991.

van der Ploeg, Elsje. Pepi on Tour. Netherlands: Elsje van der Ploeg, 1994.

Van Witsen, Betty. Perceptual Training Activities Handbook. Columbia U., New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 1967.

Verhelst, Wilbert. Creative Projects. Denver, CO: Denver Art Museum, n.d.

Vidler, Mureen. Find a Story 2: Changing Gear. Middlesex, England: Penguin Education, 1974.

Vollheim, Peter. 30 Planes for the Paper Pilot. New York, NY: Wallaby-Pocket Books, 1985.

Walter, Fritz. We Work: Wir Werken: Papier und Paparbeiten. Wolfenbuttel, Germany: Georg Kallmeyer Verlag, 1960.

Warner, John. Chinese Papercuts. Hong Kong: J. Warner Publications, 1978.

Washi World Correspondence. Tokushima, Japan: Washi World Correspondence, 1992.

Wenninger, Magnus J. Polyhedron Models for the Classroom. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1975.

Wentzell, Melinda. Optricks 2: Another Book of Optical Illusions. San Francisco, CA: Troubador Press, 1974.

Wetherbee, Holden. The Wonder Ring: a Fantasy in Silhouette. Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1978.

Woman’s Day Prize-Winning Afghans. New York, NY: Sedgewood Press, 1988.

Working with Paper. London, England: Macdonald & Co., 1970.

Yeates, Kate ed. A Treasury of Handmade Gifts; 86 Easy-to-Make Projects for All Occasions. New York, NY: Crescent Books, 1994.


Shortened List of Books Related to Origami
in the Temko Papercraft Collection in theMingei International Museum

Araki, Chiyo. Origami in the Classroom. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1965.

Arceneaux, Marc. Six Paper Airplanes. San Carlos, CA: Carlisle, n.d.

Balazs, Haui. Repulok! 20 Papirrepulo. Hungary: Kricskovics Zsuzsanna, 1988.

Barr, Stephen. Experiments in Topology. New York, NY: Ty Crowell Co, 1964.

Baxter, Biddy. Blue Peter Book of Presents. London, England: British Broadcasting Corp., 1970.

Beech, Rick. Practical Origami: a Step-by-Step Guide to the Ancient Art of Paperfolding. Hermes House, 2002.

Boyd, Ida E. When Mother Lets Us Cut Out Pictures. New York, NY: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1912.

Brossman, Julia and Martin. A Japanese Paper-Folding Classic; Excerpt from the Llost Kan No Mado. Washington: Pincone Press, 1961.

Brown, Marcia Beals. Origami as a Tool in Diagnostic Testing. : Brown and Loomis, n.d.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: III, Plaiting. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: VIII, Games and Recreation. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: IX – Musical Instruments. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: XIII – Death and Burial. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.

Cerceda, Adolfo. The Folding Money Book. Chicago, Illinois: Ireland Magic Co., 1965.

Chatani, Masahiro. Paper Magic: Pop-Up Paper Craft. Tokyo, Japan: Ondorisha Publishers, 1988.

Chino, Toshio. Origami: Vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1978.

Christmas Origami – 1: Tree Ornaments. Tokyo, Japan: Froebel-kan Co., Ltd., 1985.

Christmas Origami – 2: Party Decorations. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.

Christmas Origami – 3: Gift Wrap and Cards. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.

Christmas Origami – 4: Wreaths and Displays. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.

Churchill, E. Richard. How to Make Optical Illusion: Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing, 1990.

Churchill, E. Richard. Instant Paper Toys: To Pop, Spin, Whirl, and Fly. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1987.

Churchill, E. Richard. Terrific Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1992.

Churchill, E.Richard. Paper Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co. , 1992.

Churchill, E.Richard. Quick and Easy Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1989.

Coeur, Ferdinand. Jeux de Pliage. Paris, France: Flammarion et Cie, 1956.

Cornelius, V’Ann. Mathematics through Art: Origami. San Diego, CA: Paperfolding Arts, 1990.

Cox, Jeremy. Folding Frenzy: Nine Mind-Bending Folding Puzzles to Drive You Crazy!. New York, NY: Harmony Books, Crown Publishing, 1981.

Cunliffe, John. 8 Napkin folds. UK: British Origami Society, 1978.

Cunliffe, John. Envelope and Letter Folding. United Kingdom: British Origami Society, 1988.

de Mare, Eric Samuel. Your Book of Paper Folding. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1968.

Dictionary and Guide to Paper Terms. Park Ridge, IL: Peacock Business Press, Inc., n.d.

Dierdorp, To. Origami: Gevouwen Sieradensets. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1983.

Dollar Bill Origami: Creative Paper Folding. Troll, 2001.

Eisner, Vivienne. Crafting with newspapers. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1976.

Eisner, Vivienne. The Newspaper Everything Book: How to Make 150 Useful Objects from Old Newspapers. New York, NY: Dutton, 1975.

The Fascinating Art of Paper Folding (Origami). Park Ridge, Illinois: Graff Publications, Inc., 1965.

Fawley, Audrey. How-to-Do Paper Toys. London, England: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1968.

Fletcher, Helen Jill. Paper Fun: Lots of Things to Do and Make with Paper. New York, NY: Paxton-Slade Publishing Corp., 1954.

Frohlichstein, Jack. Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1962.

Fulves, Karl. Self-working Paper Magic: 81Foolproof Tricks. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1985.

Gaensslen, Agnes. Glitzernde Geschenke. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus- Verlag Herder, 1969.

Games, Naomi. The Puzzle Peepshow. London, England: Piccolo Books, 1983.

Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1956.

Gardner, Martin. More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1961.

Gardner, Martin. Science puzzlers. London, England: MacMillan & Co., Ltd., 1962.

Gardner, Martin. The Arrow Book of Brain Teasers. New York, NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1959.

Garritson, Jane Schmalholz. Child Arts : Integrating Curriculum through the Arts. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, 1979.

Georgeot, Alain. Le Ticket Replie. Paris, France: Editions Fleurus, 1994.

Gibson, Walter Brown. Fell’s Guide to Papercraft Tricks, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: F. Fell, 1963.

Grater, Michael. Creative Paper Toys and Crafts: 15 Easy-to-do Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1974.

Grater, Michael. Cut and Fold Paper Spaceships that Fly. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1980.

Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper. London, England: Mills & Boon Ltd., 1961.

Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper; Creative Three-Dimensional Paper Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1983.

Grater, Michael. One Piece of Paper, for Children and for Teachers. London, England: Mills & Boon, Ltd., 1963.

Grater, Michael. Paper Faces. London, England: Mills & Boon, 1967.

Gray, Alice. The Magic of Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1977.

Gross, Gay Merrill. Origami: New Ideas for Paperfolding. New York, NY: Mallard Press, 1990.

Harbin, Robert. More Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding no. 2. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1971.

Harbin, Robert. Origami 3: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Coronet Books, 1972.

Harbin, Robert. Origami 4: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1977.

Harbin, Robert. Origami: a Step by Step Guide. London, England: Hamlyn Pub. Group, Ltd., 1974.

Harbin, Robert. Origami: Compendium no. 1. Great Britain: J. Maxfield, 1970.

Harbin, Robert. Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1970.

Harbin, Robert. Paper Magic: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Oldbourne Book Co., Ltd., 1959.

Harbin, Robert. Secrets of Origami: the Japanese Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Octobus Books Ltd., 1971.

Heller, Jules. Mon ami Pierrot – Songs and Fantasies. Chicago, IL: Brothers of the Book, 1917.

Heller, Jules. Papermaking. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1978.

Henderson, Marjorie. Whatnot : a Compendium of Victorian Crafts & Other Matters, Being a Compilation of Authentic Home & Hand Crafts Popular in the era of Her Most Excellent Majesty, Victoria, by the Grace of God Queen. New York, NY: Morrow, 1977.

Hiner, Mark. Paper Engineering for Pop-up Books and Cards. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1985.

Hiner, Mark. Up-pops: Paper Engineering with Elastic Bands. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1991.

Hobson, Anthony F. An Introduction to Paper Sculpture. Leicester, England: Dryad Handicrafts, n.d.

Hogemann, Marta. Mobile. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus – Verlag, 1964.

Holz, Loretta. Christmas Spider, The. New York, NY: Philomel/UNICEF, 1980.

Holz, Loretta. Mobiles You Can Make. London, England: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1975.

Honda, Isao. How to Make Origami; the Art of Paper Folding. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1959.

Honda, Isao. Mon-kiri: Japanese Art of Paper Cut-Out. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd., 1959.

Honda, Isao. New Origami: Introduction. Japan, 1967.

Honda, Isao. Origami Festival. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.

Honda, Isao. Origami Holiday. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.

Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun –Kangaroo Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1968.

Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun – Pony Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.

Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.

Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.

Hopf, Claudia. Scherenschnitte: the Folk Art of Scissors Cutting. Lancaster, PA: John Baer’s Sons, 1971.

Huber, Johanna. Lustiges Papierfaltbuchlein. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier Verlag, 1962.

Hunter, Dard. Papermaking through Eighteen Centuries. New York, NY: William Edwin Rudge, 1930.

Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses: Source Directory. Washington, D.C.: Indian Arts & Crafts Board, 1985-1987.

Inoue, Fumio. Origami-Dream IV. Japan, 1996.

Jackson, Paul. Flying mobiles: 14 Easy-to-Make Models. NSW, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1989.

Jackson, Paul. Origami Christmas Tree Decorations. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.

Jackson, Paul. Philip Shen: Selected Geometric Paper Folds. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.

Jackson, Paul. Tricks and Games with Paper. Mahwah, New Jersey: Watermill Press, 1988.

Jansen, Greetje. Vrolijke fimo-popjes. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1994.

Japan Origami Study Group. Happy origami. Tokyo, Japan: n.d.

Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 1. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.

Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 2. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.

Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 3. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1982.

Jenkins, Gerald. The Gift Box Book. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, n.d.

Jenner, Michael. Flipdesigns. New York, NY: Prestel-Verlag, 2001.

Johnson, Donovan. Paper Folding for the Mathematics Class. Washington, DC: NCTM, 1957.

Johnson, Pauline. Creating with Paper: Basic Forms and Variations. Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington Press, 1981.

Jones, Madeline. The Mysterious Flexagons; an Introduction to a Fascinating New Concept in Paper Folding. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1966.

Kaplan, Dorothy. Perceptual Development through Paper Folding. Deal, NJ: Kimbo Educational Records, 1971.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 1. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 2. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 3. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 5. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. The Book to Enjoy Origami. Tokyo, Japan.

Kasahara, Kunihiko. Wonderful Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1976.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Creative Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Koikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1977.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Animals. Tokyo, Japan: T. Kawai, 1977.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1970.

Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Play. Tokyo, Japan: Hozansha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1964.

Kenneway, Eric. Origami in Action. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1972.

Kenneway, Eric. Puzzles to Make. Leicester. England: Reeves-Dryad Press, 1974.

Kenneway, Eric. Simple Origami. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1970.

Kenneway, Eric. Volti in Origami. Milano, Italy: il Castello, 1978.

Khan, Arona. Wrap it Up. London, UK: Ward Lock, 1990.

Kneissler, Irmgard. Decorate with Origami. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1966.

Kneissler, Irmgard. Introduzione all’Origami. Milano, Italy: Il Castello, 1982.

Kneissler, Irmgard. Origami. Chicago, IL: Childrens Press, Inc., 1992.

Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 9: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 10: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 11: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 12: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Kraska, Edie. Toys and Tales from Grandmother’s Attic. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1979.

Kurabu, Fujin. Happy Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha, n.d.

LaFosse, Michael G. F-14 Tomcat: an Origami Model. United States: Aero-gami, 1984.

LaFosse, Michael G. Michael LaFosse. : Binder format, n.d.

Lang, Robert J. The Complete Book of Origami: Step-by-Step Instructions in Over 1000 Diagrams. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1988.

Lanners, Edi. Columbus’ Egg: Tricks, Games, Experiments. New York, NY: Paddington Press, Ltd., 1976.

Larcher, Jean. Geometrical Designs & Optical Art: 70 Original Drawings. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1974.

Lewis, Shari. Folding Paper Toys. New York, NY: Stein and Day, Publishers, 1963.

Lewis, Shari. Magic Show in a Book. New York, NY: Hold, Rinehart and Winston Books, 1980.

Lipski, Tadeusz. Paper Sculpture. London, England: The Studio, 1947.

Mander, Jerry. The Great International Paper Airplane Book. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1967.

Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles.

McNeil, Mary Jean. The Know How Book of Flying Models. London, England: Usborne Publishing, 1977.

Meilach, Dona Z. Papercraft. New York, NY: Pitman Publ. Corp., 1968.

Mell, Howard. Working with Paper. Huddersfield, England: Schofield & Sims Ltd., 1970.

Mihara, Tokinobu. Origami: Japanese Art of Paper Folding – Vol. 1. San Francisco, CA: Oriental Culture Book Co., n.d.

Mihara, Tokinobu. Origami: Japanese Art of Paper Folding – Vol. 2. San Francisco, CA: Oriental Culture Book Co., n.d.

Miyawaki, Tatsuo. Happy Origami. Hiroshima, Japan: Biken-Sha, 1960.

Miyawaki, Tatsuo. Joyeux Origami. Fribourg, France: Office du Livre, 1962.

Miyawaki, Tatsuo. Origami Fun Book. Japan: Otagiri Mercantile Co., 1968.

Momotani, Yoshihide. Cute Origami. Tokyo, Japan: 1982.

Montroll, John. Origami for the Enthusiast. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1979.

Morassi, Roberto. Origami per Pinocchio. Milan, Italy: Il Castello, 1983.

More Folded Magazine Projects. Temple City, CA: Aleen’s, Inc., 1967.

Murray, William D. Paper Folding for Beginners. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1960.

Murray, William D. Paper Folding for Beginners. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1960.

My First Origami: Airplane. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.

My First Origami: Cat. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.

My First Origami: Cup. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.

My First Origami: Flower. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.

My First Origami: Water Bird. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.

My Origami Animals and Fishes. Japan: Crown-Zokeisha Publications, 1964.

My Origami Flowers: the Ancient Art of Japanese Paper Folding. Japan: Crown- Zokeisha Publications, 1964.

Nakamura, Eiji. Flying Origami. San Francisco, CA: Japan Publications, Inc., 1972.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 1: Fun with Paper Folding. Tokyo, Japan: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 2: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 3: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 4: Fun with Paper Folding. Tokyo, Japan: Froebel-kan Co., Ltd., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 5: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 6: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 7: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 8: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.

Newell, Peter. Topys & Turvys. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1964.

Nippon Origami Assn. Edim Studio Iwao. Japan: n.d.

Ody, Kenneth. Paper Folding & Paper Sculpture. New York, NY: Emerson Books, Inc., 1965.

Ogawa, Hiroshi. The Art of Papercraft. London, England: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1971.

Ogawa, Hiroshi. The Art of Papercraft: Paper Sculpture. Tokyo, Japan: Kyuryudo Pub. Co., 1976.

Oka, Hideyuki. How to Wrap Five Eggs: Japanese Design in Traditional Packaging. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.

Oliver, June. Polysymetrics: the Art of Making Geometric Patterns. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1979.

Origami for Everyone: Paper Folding Step by Step in Photographs, Plus O-Ronni- Gami Games. Blauvelt, New York: Biograf Books, 1973.

Origami Mobiles. New York, Ny: Platt & Munk Co., Inc., 1961.

Osborne, Tom. Napkin Folding: Entertaining Stunts with Napkins. New York, NY: D. Robbins & Co., 1945.

Ow, Francis. Modular Origami., 1990.

Ow, Francis. More Origami Hearts., 1989.

Ow, Francis. Origami Hearts. Singapore: 1988.

Ow, Francis. Origami: Geometrical Folds. Singapore: 1990.

Palacios, Vicente. La Creacion en Papiroflexia. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Miguel A. Salvatella, 1979.

Paper Airplanes. Kent, England: Putnam Publishing Group, 1987.

Paper Crafts. Des Moines, IA: Meredith Corp., 1989.

Paper Folding. London, England: Search Press Ltd., 1975.

Le Papier Plisse. Paris, France: Editions du Centurion, 1978.

Paz, Octavio. Hommage aux Mains: Artisamat Contemporain Mondial. New York, NY: McClelland & Stewart, World Craft Council, 1974.

Perrelet, Paul. Pliage Decoupage Tissage Falten Scheren Flechten. Switzerland: Ernst Ingold & Co., 1964.

Peterson, John H. Origami for Christians: to Illustrate Christian Symbols, Concepts and the Bible. n.d.

Pleated Paper Folding: Methods and Routines for the Amateur Performer. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1975.

Portchmouth, John. All Kinds of Papercrafts. New York, NY: A Studio Book-Viking Press, 1972.

Pountney, Kate. Make a Mobile. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1974.

Randlett, Jean. The Best of Origami: New Models by Contemporary Folders. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1963.

Randlett, Samuel. Basic Paper Folding. Chicago, IL: Jay Marshall, 1968.

Randlett, Samuel. The Art of Origami: Paper Folding, Traditional & Modern. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1961.

Repulok: 15 Repulo Origami Modell. Kecskemet, Hungary: Magyar Origami Kor, 1994.

Des Ribambelles en Papier. Paris, France: Fleurus Idees, 1995.

Ritchie, Carson I.A. Papercraft. London, England: St. Paul’s House, 1976.

Row, T. Sundara. Geometric Designs to Fold.

Row, T. Sundara. Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1966.

Sakade, Florence. Origami Storybook; Japanese Paper-Folding Play. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle, 1960.

Sakade, Florence. Origami: Japanese Paper-Folding – Book Two. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle, 1959.

Sakade, Florence. Origami; Japanese Paper-Folding. Tokyo, Japan: Toto Shuppan Co., Ltd., 1957.

Sakoda, James Minoru. Modern Origami. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1969.

Sakoda, James Minoru. Origami Diary. New Jersey: Sociology Computer Lab., 1962.

Sarasas, Claude. The ABC’s of Origami; Paper Folding for Children. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle, 1964.

Saunders, Mary Chloe Schoolcraft. Spread Your Wings and Fly: An Origami Fold- And-Tell. Albuquerque, N.M.: Blessingway Books, 1999.

Schonherr, Jochaim. Wir Falten und Falzen. Leipzig, Germany: Rudolf Arnold, 1972.

Schonherr, Jochaim. Wir Falten: We are Folding. Leipzig, Germany: Rudolf Arnold, 1961.

Schussler, Brigitte. Lamps Made of Paper: Lampen aus Papier. Freiburg/Breisgau: Christophorus Verlag, 1964.

Shulan, Michael. The Complete Paper Airplane Book: How to Make, Decorate, and Fly Paper Airplanes. United States: Watermill Press, 1979.

Simon, Seymour. The Fantastic Paper Airplane Book. Worthington, Ohio: Willowisp Press, 1989.

Simon, Seymour. The Paper Airplane Book. Middlesex, England: Puffin-Penquin Books, 1976.

Soong, Maying. The Art of Chinese Paper Folding for Young and Old. Norwich, England: Fletcher & Son Ltd., 1967.

Soulsman, Carole. Paper Folding Using Origami Techniques. Minneapolis, MN: Judy/Instructo, 1985.

Stevenson, George B. Weaving with Coconut Palm. Miami, Florida: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 1970.

Takagi, Satoshi. Origami Aquarium. Tokyo, Japan, 1977.

Takahama, Toshie. Creative Llife with Creative Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Mako-sha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1969.

Takahama, Toshie. Creative Life with Creative Origami. Vol. III. Tokyo, Japan: Macaw, 1985.

Takahama, Toshie. Friendly Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Mitsunobu Sonobe, n.d.

Takahama, Toshie. Kirigami. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.

Takahama, Toshie. New Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Mitsunobu Sonobe, n.d.

Takahama, Toshie. Origami Flowers. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.

Takahama, Toshie. Origami Play. Tokyo, Japan: Mitsunobu Sonobe, 1981.

Takahashi, Haruo. Happy Kirigami. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.

Takahashi, Masao. Happy origami and Kirigami. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.

Takahashi, Masao. Kirigami and Origami Dolls. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.

Takahashi, Sei-ichiro. Ando Hiroshige. Tokyo, Rutland, Vt: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1956.

Takeda, Nobou. Paper Snips; Japanese Art of Paper Crafts. Tokyo, Japan: Toto Shuppan Co., 1960.

Takekawa, Seiryo. Cute Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1976.

Tanase, Satoru. Origami: Japanese Paper Folding Activity Instruction Book. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Shiko Co., Ltd., n.d.

Tangrams: Elementary Science Study; Teacher’s Guide. . New York, NY: Webste Division, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968.

Temko, Florence. A Thousand Cranes. Heian, 2000.

Temko, Florence. Animals and Birds. Limpsfield, Surrey, England: Dragon’s World Children’s Books, 1995.

Temko, Florence. Bible Origami. Heian, 1994.

Temko, Florence. Chinese Papercuts, Their Story and How to Make and Use Them. San Francisco, CA: China Books & Periodicals, Inc., 1982.

Temko, Florence. Come to My House. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1982.

Temko, Florence. Decoupage Crafts. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1976.

Temko, Florence. Elementary Art Games and Puzzles. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing Co., 1982.

Temko, Florence. Felt Craft. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1973.

Temko, Florence. Folk Crafts for World Friendship. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976.

Temko, Florence. For Your Eyes Only: 13 Ways to Fold Notes. Petersburg, Florida: Willowisp Press, 1995.

Temko, Florence. Funny Money. Petersburg, Florida: Willowisp Press, 1998.

Temko, Florence. Gifts, Jewellery and Other Ideas. Limpsfield, Surrey, England: Dragon’s World, 1995.

Temko, Florence. Guess Who: Color and Fold Masks for Pretending. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1982.

Temko, Florence. Jewish Origami 1. Heian, 2000.

Temko, Florence. Jewish Origami 2. Heian, 1992.

Temko, Florence. Let’s Go for a Ride. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1982.

Temko, Florence. Made with Paper. Surrey, Great Britain: Dragon’s World Ltd., 1993.

Temko, Florence. New Testament Bible Origami. : Heian, 1994.

Temko, Florence. Origami for Beginners: The Creative World of Paper Folding. Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 2001.

Temko, Florence. Origami for Displays/Ornaments. Tokyo, Japan: Shufunotomo Co., Ltd., 1974.

Temko, Florence. Origami Holiday Decorations: For Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 2003.

Temko, Florence. Origami Toys. Boston: Charles E Tuttle Co, 2003.

Temko, Florence. Paper Capers: All kinds of Things to Make with Paper. New York, NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1974.

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