Complete List of Books in Temko Papercraft Collection in the
Mingei International Museum
20 Years of Cepelia. New York, NY: Cepelia Corp.
72 Effective needlery stitches. Nantucket Island, MA: Nantucket School of Needlery, n.d.
Abraham, Robert Morrison. Easy to Do Entertainments and Diversions With Cards. New York, NY: Dover Pubns, 1984.
Accorsi, William. Accorsi Puzzles. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1978.
Adelson, Laurie. Aymara Weavings. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Inst Pr, 1983.
Adler, Irving. Mathematics; the Story of Numbers, Symbols, and Space. New York, NY: Golden Press, 1958.
Adler, Peter. Asafo!: African Flags of the Fante. London: Thames & Hudson, 1992.
Alaska. . Juneau, AK: Alaska Tourism Marketing Council, 1992.
Aleene. Tissue Paper Terrifique. Temple City, CA: Aleene’s Inc., 1966.
Alkema, Chester Jay. Creative Paper Crafts in Color. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Co., 1967.
Allport, Alan. Paper Sculpture. London, England: Pelham Bks., 1971.
Along the Ancient Silk Routes. New York, NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982.
Ambrose, Kay. Classical Dances and Costumes of India. London, England: Adam and Charles Black, 1957.
American Craft – August/September 1982. Fort Lee, NJ: American Craft Council, 1982.
Amery, Heather. The Know How Book of Action Toys. London, England: Edc Pub, 1988.
Anderson, Gene. Newspaper Magic. Chicago, IL: Magic, Inc., 1968.
Araki, Chiyo. Origami in the Classroom. Rutland, VT
: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1965.
Arceneaux, Marc. Six Paper Airplanes. San Carlos, CA: Carlisle, n.d.
Art and Science of Papermaking in the 18th Century. Chicago, IL: West Va. Pulp and Paper Co., n.d.
The Art of Keisuke Serizawa: a National Treasure of Japan. Riverside, CA: Riverside Museum Press, 1997.
The Art of Paper Tearing: Methods and Routines for the Amateur Performer. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1970.
Bahti, Mark. Southwestern Indian Arts & Crafts. Las Vegas, Nevada: Kc Pubns, 1983.
Balazs, Haui. Repulok! 20 Papirrepulo. Hungary: Kricskovics Zsuzsanna, 1988.
Bandboxes and Shopping Bags in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1978.
Baquedano, Elizabeth. Aztec Inca & Maya. New York, NY: Alfred a Knopf, 1993.
Barr, Stephen. Experiments in Topology. New York, NY: Ty Crowell Co, 1964.
Barry, Sheila Anne. Tricks and Stunts to Fool Your Friends. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co, US, 1984.
Bartok, Mira. Stencils West Africa Nigeria. : Good Year Books, 1996.
Baxter, Biddy. Blue Peter Book of Presents. London, England: British Broadcasting Corp., 1970.
Beal, George. Tricks and Puzzles (Super Facts Series). New York, NY: Derrydale, 1992.
Bean, Joseph W. Patterns and Lessons for Beginning Papercutters. San Francisco, CA: Papercutting World, 1987.
Beech, Rick. Practical Origami: a Step-by-Step Guide to the Ancient Art of Paperfolding. Hermes House, 2002.
Bell, Lilian A. Plant Fibers for Papermaking. McMinnville, OR: Liliaceae Press, 1981.
Belves, Pierre. Les Metiers en Images Lumineuses. France: Flammarion, 1953.
Berg, Elizabeth. Family Traditions: Celebrations for Holidays and Everyday. Pleasantville, NY: Readers Digest, 1992.
Berman, Jules. Pre-Hispanic Mexican Art. San Diego, CA: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1973.
Boat Swing to Make Yourself. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Meier Verlag, n.d.
Borssuck, B. Ninety Seven Needlepoint Alphabets. New York, NY: Arco, NY, 1976.
Boyd, Ida E. When Mother Lets Us Cut Out Pictures. New York, NY: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1912.
The Bremen-Town Musicians. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Co., 1964.
Brokaw, Meredith. The Penny Whistle Christmas Party Book: Including Hanukkah, New Years’s and Twelfth Night Family Parties. New York, NY: Fireside, 1991.
Brossman, Julia and Martin. A Japanese Paper-Folding Classic; Excerpt from the Llost Kan No Mado. Washington: Pincone Press, 1961.
Brown, Marcia Beals. Origami as a Tool in Diagnostic Testing. : Brown and Loomis, n.d.
Brown, Rosalie. Brownies Make Things. Buckinghamshire, England: J Goodchild, 1973.
Brown, Rosalie. Handicrafts for All Seasons. Buckinghamshire, England: J. Goodchild, 1974.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Sonnets from the Portuguese. New York, NY: Avenel Books; Crown Publishing, Inc., n.d.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: III, Plaiting. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: VIII, Games and Recreation. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: IX – Musical Instruments. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: XIII – Death and Burial. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Burdett, Rosalind. Creative Book of Gift Wrapping. Sydney ; Auckland: Salamander Books, 1997.
Burggraf, Manfred. Fun with Coloured foil. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1966.
Caney, Steven. Steven Caney’s Kids’ America. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 1978.
Card and cardboard. New York, NY: F. Watts, 1971.
Castor, Pere. Le Beau Jeu des Vitreaux. “The Beautiful Views through Windows.” Flammarion, France: Les Albums du Pere Castor, 1934.
Cerceda, Adolfo. The Folding Money Book. Chicago, Illinois: Ireland Magic Co., 1965.
Chabbert, Andre. La Sculpture en Papier: La Flore. Paris, France: Bordas, 1972.
Chabbert, Andre. La Sculpture en Papier: La Geometrie. Paris, France: Bordas, 1970.
Chalmers, Irena. Napkin folding. Greensboro, NC: Potpourrie Press, 1978.
Chatani, Masahiro. Paper Magic: Pop-Up Paper Craft. Tokyo, Japan: Ondorisha Publishers, 1988.
Chicago, Judy. Embroidering Our Heritage: The Dinner Party Needlework. Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday, 1988.
Chinese Childhood. London, England: Pollock’s Toy Museum, n.d.
Chino, Toshio. Origami: Vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1978.
Christensen, Bodil. Witchcraft and Pre-Columbian paper “ Brujerias y Papel Precolombino”. Mexico, D. F.: Ediciones Euroamericanas, 1972.
Christmas Origami – 1: Tree Ornaments. Tokyo, Japan: Froebel-kan Co., Ltd., 1985.
Christmas Origami – 2: Party Decorations. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.
Christmas Origami – 3: Gift Wrap and Cards. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.
Christmas Origami – 4: Wreaths and Displays. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.
Churchill, E. Richard. How to Make Optical Illusion: Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing, 1990.
Churchill, E. Richard. Instant Paper Toys: To Pop, Spin, Whirl, and Fly. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1987.
Churchill, E. Richard. Terrific Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1992.
Churchill, E.Richard. Paper Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co. , 1992.
Churchill, E.Richard. Quick and Easy Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1989.
Coeur, Ferdinand. Jeux de Pliage. Paris, France: Flammarion et Cie, 1956.
Cole, Ann. Children are Children are Children. Boxton, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1978.
Collin, Lore. Stampcraft: Picture Play with Postage Stamps. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1961.
Cordello, Becky Stevens. Celebrations. New York, NY: Butterick Publishing, 1977.
Cornelius, V’Ann. Mathematics through Art: Origami. San Diego, CA: Paperfolding Arts, 1990.
Cox, Jeremy. Folding Frenzy: Nine Mind-Bending Folding Puzzles to Drive You Crazy!. New York, NY: Harmony Books, Crown Publishing, 1981.
Cram, Ralph Adam. The Great Thousand Years. Chicago, Il: Brothers of the Book, 1918.
Crawford, Maureen. Handmade Greeting Cards. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., Inc., 1992.
Create-a-Kite: How to Build and Fly Your Own Kites. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1977.
Cunliffe, John. 8 Napkin folds. UK: British Origami Society, 1978.
Cunliffe, John. Envelope and Letter Folding. United Kingdom: British Origami Society, 1988.
Curtis, Annabelle. Paper People: A Collection of 12 Paper Characters to Cut Out and Glue Together. : Tarquin, 1997.
Cut Yourself a Bunch of Fun. Framingham, MA: Dennison Manufacturing Co., 1968.
D’Amico, Victor. Assemblage: a New Dimension in Creative Teaching in Action. New York, NY: Museum of Modern Art, 1972.
Day, Frederick T. An Introduction to Paper: Its Manufacture and Use. London, England: Newnes Educational Pub. Co., Ltd., 1962.
Day, JoAnne C. Decorative Silhouettes of the Twenties for Designers & Craftsmen. New York, NY: Dover Pub. Co., 1975.
Dayan, Ruth. Crafts of Israel. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1974.
de Mare, Eric Samuel. Your Book of Paper Folding. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1968.
Dean, Joan. Art and Craft in the Primary School. London, England: Adam & Charles Black, 1966.
Designer’s Guide to Color. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 1983.
Dickey, Roland F. New Mexico Village Arts. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1970.
Dictionary and Guide to Paper Terms. Park Ridge, IL: Peacock Business Press, Inc., n.d.
Dierdorp, To. Origami: Gevouwen Sieradensets. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1983.
Dockree, Yvonne. A Kaleidoscope of Tissue Paper Crafts. West Nyack, NY: Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc., 1972.
Dollar Bill Origami: Creative Paper Folding. Troll, 2001.
Dolloff, Francis W. How to Care for Works of Art on Paper. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 1971.
Dortch, Barbara. Things Children Can Make for All Holidays. New York, NY: Maco Publishing Co., Inc., 1967.
Douglass Morse Howell Retrospective. New York, NY: American Craft Museum, 1982.
Dudeney, Henry Ernest. Amusements in Mathematics. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1958.
Eames, Alexandra. The Art of Gift Wrapping. New York, NY: Southmark, 1993.
Easy Costumes You Don’t Have to Sew. New York, NY: Four Winds, 1977.
Eisenschink, Johanna. Papierplastiken. Heidelberg, Germany: Kemper, 1968.
Eisner, Vivienne. Crafting with newspapers. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1976.
Eisner, Vivienne. The Newspaper Everything Book: How to Make 150 Useful Objects from Old Newspapers. New York, NY: Dutton, 1975.
Evans, C. S. The Sleeping Beauty. New York, NY: Dover, 1971.
Evans, Larry. 3-Dimensional Mazes. San Francisco, CA: Troubador Press, 1976.
The Fantastic Fun Flying Book : Delta Air Lines, Inc., 1978.
Farmer, Jane M. New American Paperworks. San Francisco, CA: The Council, 1982.
The Fascinating Art of Paper Folding (Origami). Park Ridge, Illinois: Graff Publications, Inc., 1965.
Fawdry, Marguerite. Chinese Childhood: a Miscellany of Mythology, Folklore, Fact and Fable. London, England: Pollocks Toy Theatres Limited, 1977.
Fawley, Audrey. How-to-Do Paper Toys. London, England: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1968.
Fedoroff, George. Alaska. Washington, DC: U.S. Indian Arts & Crafts Board, Winter 1966.
Feng, Jiang. Yan’an Papercuts. China: The People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, n.d.
Ficarotta, Phyllis. Treasury of Craft Designs. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1973.
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego. Jules Berman Collection of Mexican
Pre- Columbian Art. San Diego, CA: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1973.
Fisher, Leonard Everett. The Papermakers. New York, NY: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1965.
Flammarion, Ernest. Contes de Fees en Images Lumineuses. France: Flammarion, 1934.
Flammarion, Ernest. Decoupages. France: Les albums du Pere Castor, 1948.
Fletcher, Helen Jill. Paper Fun: Lots of Things to Do and Make with Paper. New York, NY: Paxton-Slade Publishing Corp., 1954.
Florian Papp (Firm). Rolled, Scrolled, Crimped, and Folded : The Lost Art of Filigree Paperwork. New York: Florian Papp, n.d.
FMR: the Magazine of Franco Maria Ricci. New York, NY: Franco Maria Ricci International, 1984.
Fox, Sandi. Quilts: California Bound, California made 1840 – 1940. Los Angeles, CA: FIDM Museum & Library, 2002.
Frank, Vivian. An Introduction to Picture Framing: Iinnovative Ideas. London, England: Apple Press, 1990.
Frank, Vivian. Making Masks. London, UK: Apple Press, 1992.
Franz Otto, Schmaderer. Spielen, Sehen, Denken. Ravensburg, Netherlands: Otto Meier, 1971.
French, Brian. Principles of Collage. London, England: Mills & Boon, 1969.
Fried, Frederick. America’s Forgotten Folk Arts. New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 1978.
Frohlichstein, Jack. Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1962.
Fulves, Karl. Self-working Paper Magic: 81Foolproof Tricks. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1985.
Gaensslen, Agnes. Glitzernde Geschenke. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus- Verlag Herder, 1969.
Games, Naomi. The Puzzle Peepshow. London, England: Piccolo Books, 1983.
Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1956.
Gardner, Martin. More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. Middlesex, England: Penquin Books, Ltd., 1961.
Gardner, Martin. Science puzzlers. London, England: MacMillan & Co., Ltd., 1962.
Gardner, Martin. The Arrow Book of Brain Teasers. New York, NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1959.
Garritson, Jane Schmalholz. Child Arts : Integrating Curriculum through the Arts. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, 1979.
Georgeot, Alain. Le Ticket Replie. Paris, France: Editions Fleurus, 1994.
Gibson, Walter Brown. Fell’s Guide to Papercraft Tricks, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: F. Fell, 1963.
Gordon, Stephen F. Making Picture-Books: a Method of Learning Graphic Sequence. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1970.
Grafton, Carol Granger. Silhouettes: A Pictorial Archive of Varied Illustrations. New York, NY: Dover, 1979.
Granit, Inga. How to Make Things Out of Cardboard. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1964.
Grater, Michael. Creative Paper Toys and Crafts: 15 Easy-to-do Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1974.
Grater, Michael. Cut and Fold Paper Spaceships that Fly. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1980.
Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper. London, England: Mills & Boon Ltd., 1961.
Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper; Creative Three-Dimensional Paper Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1983.
Grater, Michael. One Piece of Paper, for Children and for Teachers. London, England: Mills & Boon, Ltd., 1963.
Grater, Michael. Paper Faces. London, England: Mills & Boon, 1967.
Gray, Alice. The Magic of Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1977.
Grimm, Brothers. Marchen Berts Deutfche Sammlung. Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt, n.d.
Gross, Gay Merrill. Origami: New Ideas for Paperfolding. New York, NY: Mallard Press, 1990.
Group of Young Paper Makers of Japan. Japan.
Grove, Richard. Mexican Popular Arts Today. Colorado Springs, CO: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1954.
Haddon, Kathleen. String Games for Beginners. Wargrave, Berkshire: John Adams Toys Ltd., 1976.
Harbin, Robert. More Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding no. 2. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1971.
Harbin, Robert. Origami 3: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Coronet Books, 1972.
Harbin, Robert. Origami 4: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1977.
Harbin, Robert. Origami: a Step by Step Guide. London, England: Hamlyn Pub. Group, Ltd., 1974.
Harbin, Robert. Origami: Compendium no. 1. Great Britain: J. Maxfield, 1970.
Harbin, Robert. Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1970.
Harbin, Robert. Paper Magic: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Oldbourne Book Co., Ltd., 1959.
Harbin, Robert. Secrets of Origami: the Japanese Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Octobus Books Ltd., 1971.
Hartung, Rolf. Creative Corrugated Paper Craft. London, England: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., 1971.
Harvey, Marian. Crafts of Mexico. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1973.
Hauswirth, Johann Jakob. Scherenschnitte aus Hundert Jahren. Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber, 1959.
Hawkesworth, Eric. Paper Cutting: Making all Kinds of Paper Shapes and Figures. New York, NY: S. G. Phillips, 1977.
Hawley, W. M. Chinese Folk Designs. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1949.
Heard, James. Scraps: Pollock’s Victorian Scrap Album. London, England: Pollocks Toy Theatres Ltd., 1977.
Hejzlar, J. Chinese Paper Cut-outs. Spring Place, London: Spring Books, 1960.
Heller, Jules. Mon ami Pierrot – Songs and Fantasies. Chicago, IL: Brothers of the Book, 1917.
Heller, Jules. Papermaking. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1978.
Henderson, Marjorie. Whatnot : a Compendium of Victorian Crafts & Other Matters, Being a Compilation of Authentic Home & Hand Crafts Popular in the era of Her Most Excellent Majesty, Victoria, by the Grace of God Queen. New York, NY: Morrow, 1977.
Herrmann, Reinhard. A Christmas Crib Book. London, England: Blackie & Son Ltd., 1961.
Herrmann, Reinhard. Zoo Pals Color ‘n ‘Cut Jungle Story. New York, NY: Panline U.S.A. Inc., 1989.
Hickman, Peggy. Silhouettes. New York, NY: Walker, 1968.
Hill, Cuthbert William. Discovering Picture Postcards. Tring, England: Shire Publications, 1970.
Hiner, Mark. Paper Engineering for Pop-up Books and Cards. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1985.
Hiner, Mark. Up-pops: Paper Engineering with Elastic Bands. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1991.
Hobson, Anthony F. An Introduction to Paper Sculpture. Leicester, England: Dryad Handicrafts, n.d.
Hogemann, Marta. Mobile. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus – Verlag, 1964.
Holiday, Ensor. Altair Design: an Envelope of 12 Copies of 8 Different Design Sheets. Harlow, Essex: Longman Group Limited, 1970.
Holz, Loretta. Christmas Spider, The. New York, NY: Philomel/UNICEF, 1980.
Holz, Loretta. Mobiles You Can Make. London, England: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1975.
Holz, Loretta. The How-to-Book of International Dolls. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1979.
Home Decorating with Paper Flowers. Framingham, MA: Dennison Manufacturing Co., 1967.
Honda, Isao. How to Make Origami; the Art of Paper Folding. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1959.
Honda, Isao. Mon-kiri: Japanese Art of Paper Cut-Out. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd., 1959.
Honda, Isao. New Origami: Introduction. Japan, 1967.
Honda, Isao. Origami Festival. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.
Honda, Isao. Origami Holiday. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.
Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun –Kangaroo Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1968.
Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun – Pony Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.
Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.
Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.
Hopf, Claudia. Scherenschnitte: the Folk Art of Scissors Cutting. Lancaster, PA: John Baer’s Sons, 1971.
Hopf, Claudia. Scherenschnitte: Traditional Papercutting. Lebanon, PA: Applied Arts Publishers, 1977.
Houston, James. Eskimo Prints. Barre, MA: Barre Publishing Co., Inc., 1967.
How to Decorate with Pomps. So. Whitley, Indiana: Stump Printing Co., 1967.
Huang, Ch’ing-yun. Flowers in Full Bloom. Peking, China: Foreign Languages Press, 1966.
Huber, Johanna. Lustiges Papierfaltbuchlein. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier Verlag, 1962.
Huff, Vivian. Let’s Make Paper Dolls. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1978.
Hundred Things Japanese. Tokyo: Japan Pubns. Inc., 1976.
Hunt, W. Ben. American Indian Beadwork. New York, NY: Bruce Publishing Co., 1951.
Hunter, Dard. Papermaking through Eighteen Centuries. New York, NY: William Edwin Rudge, 1930.
Hutchings, Margaret. What shall I Do Today?. London, England: Mills & Boon Limited, 1965.
Hwang, Joyce. Christmas Kirigami: Fun with Paper Folding and Cutting: Basic Design 1. Union City, CA: Heian International Inc., 1991.
Hwang, Joyce. Kirigami 3: Fun with Folding and Cutting Flowers. Union City, CA: Heian International Inc., 1991.
Hwang, Joyce. Kirigami: Fun with Folding and Cutting Flowers: Basic Design 1. Union City, CA: Heian International Inc., 1990.
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Woodworking Handtools, Instruments and Devices. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1974.
Imanishi, Sukeyuki. The Moon and the Fishes. 1973: Gakken Company, Ltd., 1973.
Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses: Source Directory. Washington, D.C.: Indian Arts & Crafts Board, 1985-1987.
Inoue, Fumio. Origami-Dream IV. Japan, 1996.
Ishigaki, Komako. Japanese Paper Dolls. Osaka, Japan: Hoikusha, 1983.
Jablonski, Ramona. Folk Art Designs to Color or Cut from Polish Wycinanki and Swiss and German Scherenschnitte. Owings Mills, MD: Stemmer House Publishers, Inc., 1978.
Jablonski, Ramona. The Chinese Cut-out Design Coloring Book. Owings Mills, MA: Stemmer House Pub. Inc., 1981.
Jablonski, Ramona. The Paper Cut-Out Design Book: A Sourcebook for Creating and Adapting the Heritage of American Folk Art, Polish Wycinanki, Chinese Hua Yang, Japanese. Owings Mills, Md.: Stemmer House Pub, 1976.
Jackson, Paul. Flying mobiles: 14 Easy-to-Make Models. NSW, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1989.
Jackson, Paul. Origami Christmas Tree Decorations. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.
Jackson, Paul. Philip Shen: Selected Geometric Paper Folds. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.
Jackson, Paul. Tricks and Games with Paper. Mahwah, New Jersey: Watermill Press, 1988.
Jackson, Valerie. Crafts: Yesterday’s Crafts for Today. Guildford, England: Lutterworh Press, 1979.
James, Susan Niner. Decorative Papercrafts: Workstation. Grosset & Dunlap, 1996.
Jansen, Greetje. Vrolijke fimo-popjes. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1994.
Japan Origami Study Group. Happy origami. Tokyo, Japan: n.d.
Japanese Wood Block Prints. Kyoto, Japan: Uchida Wood Block Print Co., Ltd., n.d.
Jayne, Caroline Furness. String Figures and How to Make Them: a Study of Cat’s Cradle in Many Lands. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1962.
Jencks, Charles. Adhocism: the Case for Improvisation. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1972.
Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 1. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.
Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 2. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.
Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 3. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1982.
Jenkins, Gerald. The Gift Box Book. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, n.d.
Jenner, Michael. Flipdesigns. New York, NY: Prestel-Verlag, 2001.
Johnson, Donovan. Paper Folding for the Mathematics Class. Washington, DC: NCTM, 1957.
Johnson, June. 838 Ways to Amuse a Child; Crafts, Hobbies, and Creative Ideas for the Child from Six to Twelve. New York, NY: Gramercy Publishing Co., 1960.
Johnson, Pauline. Creating with Paper: Basic Forms and Variations. Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington Press, 1981.
Jones, Madeline. The Mysterious Flexagons; an Introduction to a Fascinating New Concept in Paper Folding. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1966.
Jonson, Wilfrid. MagicTricks and Card Tricks. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1954.
Joseph, Joan. Folk Toys Around the World and How to Make Them. New York, NY: Parents’ Magazine Press, 1972.
Jumping Jack: a Paste-Craft Kit for Home or School. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier Verlag, n.d.
Junior Girl Scout handbook. New York, NY: Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., 1963.
Kang, Keum Ja. Treasures of Korean Art : Kang collection. New York, NY: Kang Collection, Inc., 2004.
Kao, Nin Feng. Cut-Outs of People. China: Hebei People’s Publisher, 1979.
Kaplan, Dorothy. Perceptual Development through Paper Folding. Deal, NJ: Kimbo Educational Records, 1971.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 1. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 2. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 3. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 5. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. The Book to Enjoy Origami. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Wonderful Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1976.
Katz, Ruth J. Wrap It Up! Creative Gift Wrapping for All Occasions. Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1983.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Creative Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Koikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1977.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Animals. Tokyo, Japan: T. Kawai, 1977.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1970.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Play. Tokyo, Japan: Hozansha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1964.
Kawasaki, Ichiro. The Japanese Are Like That. Rutland, VT and Tokyo, Japan: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1955.
Kemper, Frederick W. Kirigami: Simple Paper Visuals that Teach Bible Truths. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1979.
Kenneway, Eric. Origami in Action. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1972.
Kenneway, Eric. Puzzles to Make. Leicester. England: Reeves-Dryad Press, 1974.
Kenneway, Eric. Simple Origami. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1970.
Kenneway, Eric. Volti in Origami. Milano, Italy: il Castello, 1978.
Khan, Arona. Wrap it Up. London, UK: Ward Lock, 1990.
Kim, Dette. Paper Craft. Devon, England: David Porteous, 1997.
Kitagawa, Yoshiko. Creative Cards: Wrap a Message with a Personal Touch. New York, NY: Kodansha International, 1990.
Kleinman, Louis W. Science Experiments for Every Boy and Girl. New York, NY: Hart Publishing Co., 1960.
Kneissler, Irmgard. Decorate with Origami. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1966.
Kneissler, Irmgard. Introduzione all’Origami. Milano, Italy: Il Castello, 1982.
Kneissler, Irmgard. Origami. Chicago, IL: Childrens Press, Inc., 1992.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 9: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 10: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 11: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 12: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Koskey, Arthur. Creative Corrugated Cardboard: a Handbook for Teachers. Palo Alto, CA: Fearon Publishers, 1957.
Kramer, Jack. Silhouettes: How to Make and Use Them. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1977.
Kraska, Edie. Toys and Tales from Grandmother’s Attic. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1979.
Kroll, Virginia L. Pink Paper Swans. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1994.
Kunstlerbriefe. Muttenz, Germany: F. & I. Siegenthaler, 1980.
Kuo, Nancy. Chinese Paper-Cut Pictures, Old and Modern. New York, NY: Taplinger Pub. Co., Inc., 1965.
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Verhelst, Wilbert. Creative Projects. Denver, CO: Denver Art Museum, n.d.
Vidler, Mureen. Find a Story 2: Changing Gear. Middlesex, England: Penguin Education, 1974.
Vollheim, Peter. 30 Planes for the Paper Pilot. New York, NY: Wallaby-Pocket Books, 1985.
Walter, Fritz. We Work: Wir Werken: Papier und Paparbeiten. Wolfenbuttel, Germany: Georg Kallmeyer Verlag, 1960.
Warner, John. Chinese Papercuts. Hong Kong: J. Warner Publications, 1978.
Washi World Correspondence. Tokushima, Japan: Washi World Correspondence, 1992.
Wenninger, Magnus J. Polyhedron Models for the Classroom. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1975.
Wentzell, Melinda. Optricks 2: Another Book of Optical Illusions. San Francisco, CA: Troubador Press, 1974.
Wetherbee, Holden. The Wonder Ring: a Fantasy in Silhouette. Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1978.
Woman’s Day Prize-Winning Afghans. New York, NY: Sedgewood Press, 1988.
Working with Paper. London, England: Macdonald & Co., 1970.
Yeates, Kate ed. A Treasury of Handmade Gifts; 86 Easy-to-Make Projects for All Occasions. New York, NY: Crescent Books, 1994.
Shortened List of Books Related to Origami
in the Temko Papercraft Collection in theMingei International Museum
Araki, Chiyo. Origami in the Classroom. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1965.
Arceneaux, Marc. Six Paper Airplanes. San Carlos, CA: Carlisle, n.d.
Balazs, Haui. Repulok! 20 Papirrepulo. Hungary: Kricskovics Zsuzsanna, 1988.
Barr, Stephen. Experiments in Topology. New York, NY: Ty Crowell Co, 1964.
Baxter, Biddy. Blue Peter Book of Presents. London, England: British Broadcasting Corp., 1970.
Beech, Rick. Practical Origami: a Step-by-Step Guide to the Ancient Art of Paperfolding. Hermes House, 2002.
Boyd, Ida E. When Mother Lets Us Cut Out Pictures. New York, NY: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1912.
Brossman, Julia and Martin. A Japanese Paper-Folding Classic; Excerpt from the Llost Kan No Mado. Washington: Pincone Press, 1961.
Brown, Marcia Beals. Origami as a Tool in Diagnostic Testing. : Brown and Loomis, n.d.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: III, Plaiting. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: VIII, Games and Recreation. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: IX – Musical Instruments. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Buck, Peter H. Arts and Crafts of Hawaii: XIII – Death and Burial. Honolulu, Hawaii: Bishop Museum Press, 1964.
Cerceda, Adolfo. The Folding Money Book. Chicago, Illinois: Ireland Magic Co., 1965.
Chatani, Masahiro. Paper Magic: Pop-Up Paper Craft. Tokyo, Japan: Ondorisha Publishers, 1988.
Chino, Toshio. Origami: Vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1978.
Christmas Origami – 1: Tree Ornaments. Tokyo, Japan: Froebel-kan Co., Ltd., 1985.
Christmas Origami – 2: Party Decorations. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.
Christmas Origami – 3: Gift Wrap and Cards. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.
Christmas Origami – 4: Wreaths and Displays. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1985.
Churchill, E. Richard. How to Make Optical Illusion: Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing, 1990.
Churchill, E. Richard. Instant Paper Toys: To Pop, Spin, Whirl, and Fly. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1987.
Churchill, E. Richard. Terrific Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub Co Inc, 1992.
Churchill, E.Richard. Paper Tricks and Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co. , 1992.
Churchill, E.Richard. Quick and Easy Paper Toys. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1989.
Coeur, Ferdinand. Jeux de Pliage. Paris, France: Flammarion et Cie, 1956.
Cornelius, V’Ann. Mathematics through Art: Origami. San Diego, CA: Paperfolding Arts, 1990.
Cox, Jeremy. Folding Frenzy: Nine Mind-Bending Folding Puzzles to Drive You Crazy!. New York, NY: Harmony Books, Crown Publishing, 1981.
Cunliffe, John. 8 Napkin folds. UK: British Origami Society, 1978.
Cunliffe, John. Envelope and Letter Folding. United Kingdom: British Origami Society, 1988.
de Mare, Eric Samuel. Your Book of Paper Folding. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1968.
Dictionary and Guide to Paper Terms. Park Ridge, IL: Peacock Business Press, Inc., n.d.
Dierdorp, To. Origami: Gevouwen Sieradensets. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1983.
Dollar Bill Origami: Creative Paper Folding. Troll, 2001.
Eisner, Vivienne. Crafting with newspapers. New York, NY: Sterling Pub. Co., 1976.
Eisner, Vivienne. The Newspaper Everything Book: How to Make 150 Useful Objects from Old Newspapers. New York, NY: Dutton, 1975.
The Fascinating Art of Paper Folding (Origami). Park Ridge, Illinois: Graff Publications, Inc., 1965.
Fawley, Audrey. How-to-Do Paper Toys. London, England: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1968.
Fletcher, Helen Jill. Paper Fun: Lots of Things to Do and Make with Paper. New York, NY: Paxton-Slade Publishing Corp., 1954.
Frohlichstein, Jack. Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1962.
Fulves, Karl. Self-working Paper Magic: 81Foolproof Tricks. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1985.
Gaensslen, Agnes. Glitzernde Geschenke. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus- Verlag Herder, 1969.
Games, Naomi. The Puzzle Peepshow. London, England: Piccolo Books, 1983.
Gardner, Martin. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1956.
Gardner, Martin. More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1961.
Gardner, Martin. Science puzzlers. London, England: MacMillan & Co., Ltd., 1962.
Gardner, Martin. The Arrow Book of Brain Teasers. New York, NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1959.
Garritson, Jane Schmalholz. Child Arts : Integrating Curriculum through the Arts. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, 1979.
Georgeot, Alain. Le Ticket Replie. Paris, France: Editions Fleurus, 1994.
Gibson, Walter Brown. Fell’s Guide to Papercraft Tricks, Games and Puzzles. New York, NY: F. Fell, 1963.
Grater, Michael. Creative Paper Toys and Crafts: 15 Easy-to-do Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1974.
Grater, Michael. Cut and Fold Paper Spaceships that Fly. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1980.
Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper. London, England: Mills & Boon Ltd., 1961.
Grater, Michael. Make it in Paper; Creative Three-Dimensional Paper Projects. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1983.
Grater, Michael. One Piece of Paper, for Children and for Teachers. London, England: Mills & Boon, Ltd., 1963.
Grater, Michael. Paper Faces. London, England: Mills & Boon, 1967.
Gray, Alice. The Magic of Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1977.
Gross, Gay Merrill. Origami: New Ideas for Paperfolding. New York, NY: Mallard Press, 1990.
Harbin, Robert. More Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding no. 2. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1971.
Harbin, Robert. Origami 3: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Coronet Books, 1972.
Harbin, Robert. Origami 4: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1977.
Harbin, Robert. Origami: a Step by Step Guide. London, England: Hamlyn Pub. Group, Ltd., 1974.
Harbin, Robert. Origami: Compendium no. 1. Great Britain: J. Maxfield, 1970.
Harbin, Robert. Origami: the Art of Paper-Folding. London, England: Hodder Paperbook, 1970.
Harbin, Robert. Paper Magic: the Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Oldbourne Book Co., Ltd., 1959.
Harbin, Robert. Secrets of Origami: the Japanese Art of Paper Folding. London, England: Octobus Books Ltd., 1971.
Heller, Jules. Mon ami Pierrot – Songs and Fantasies. Chicago, IL: Brothers of the Book, 1917.
Heller, Jules. Papermaking. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1978.
Henderson, Marjorie. Whatnot : a Compendium of Victorian Crafts & Other Matters, Being a Compilation of Authentic Home & Hand Crafts Popular in the era of Her Most Excellent Majesty, Victoria, by the Grace of God Queen. New York, NY: Morrow, 1977.
Hiner, Mark. Paper Engineering for Pop-up Books and Cards. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1985.
Hiner, Mark. Up-pops: Paper Engineering with Elastic Bands. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1991.
Hobson, Anthony F. An Introduction to Paper Sculpture. Leicester, England: Dryad Handicrafts, n.d.
Hogemann, Marta. Mobile. Freiburg, Germany: Christophorus – Verlag, 1964.
Holz, Loretta. Christmas Spider, The. New York, NY: Philomel/UNICEF, 1980.
Holz, Loretta. Mobiles You Can Make. London, England: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1975.
Honda, Isao. How to Make Origami; the Art of Paper Folding. New York: McDowell, Obolensky, 1959.
Honda, Isao. Mon-kiri: Japanese Art of Paper Cut-Out. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications Trading Co., Ltd., 1959.
Honda, Isao. New Origami: Introduction. Japan, 1967.
Honda, Isao. Origami Festival. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.
Honda, Isao. Origami Holiday. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.
Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun –Kangaroo Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1968.
Honda, Isao. Origami: Folding Fun – Pony Book. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1967.
Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.
Honda, Isao. Pocket Guide to Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Origami Club, 1959.
Hopf, Claudia. Scherenschnitte: the Folk Art of Scissors Cutting. Lancaster, PA: John Baer’s Sons, 1971.
Huber, Johanna. Lustiges Papierfaltbuchlein. Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier Verlag, 1962.
Hunter, Dard. Papermaking through Eighteen Centuries. New York, NY: William Edwin Rudge, 1930.
Indian, Eskimo, Aleut Owned and Operated Arts and Crafts Businesses: Source Directory. Washington, D.C.: Indian Arts & Crafts Board, 1985-1987.
Inoue, Fumio. Origami-Dream IV. Japan, 1996.
Jackson, Paul. Flying mobiles: 14 Easy-to-Make Models. NSW, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1989.
Jackson, Paul. Origami Christmas Tree Decorations. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.
Jackson, Paul. Philip Shen: Selected Geometric Paper Folds. Essex, England: British Origami Society, 1982.
Jackson, Paul. Tricks and Games with Paper. Mahwah, New Jersey: Watermill Press, 1988.
Jansen, Greetje. Vrolijke fimo-popjes. Baarn, Netherlands: Tirion, 1994.
Japan Origami Study Group. Happy origami. Tokyo, Japan: n.d.
Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 1. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.
Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 2. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1980.
Jenkins, Gerald. Mathematical Curiosities 3. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1982.
Jenkins, Gerald. The Gift Box Book. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, n.d.
Jenner, Michael. Flipdesigns. New York, NY: Prestel-Verlag, 2001.
Johnson, Donovan. Paper Folding for the Mathematics Class. Washington, DC: NCTM, 1957.
Johnson, Pauline. Creating with Paper: Basic Forms and Variations. Seattle, WA: Univ. of Washington Press, 1981.
Jones, Madeline. The Mysterious Flexagons; an Introduction to a Fascinating New Concept in Paper Folding. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1966.
Kaplan, Dorothy. Perceptual Development through Paper Folding. Deal, NJ: Kimbo Educational Records, 1971.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 1. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 2. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 3. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 4. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Origami: vol. 5. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. The Book to Enjoy Origami. Tokyo, Japan.
Kasahara, Kunihiko. Wonderful Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1976.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Creative Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Koikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1977.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Animals. Tokyo, Japan: T. Kawai, 1977.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1970.
Kawai, Toyoaki. Origami Play. Tokyo, Japan: Hozansha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1964.
Kenneway, Eric. Origami in Action. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1972.
Kenneway, Eric. Puzzles to Make. Leicester. England: Reeves-Dryad Press, 1974.
Kenneway, Eric. Simple Origami. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1970.
Kenneway, Eric. Volti in Origami. Milano, Italy: il Castello, 1978.
Khan, Arona. Wrap it Up. London, UK: Ward Lock, 1990.
Kneissler, Irmgard. Decorate with Origami. New York, NY: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1966.
Kneissler, Irmgard. Introduzione all’Origami. Milano, Italy: Il Castello, 1982.
Kneissler, Irmgard. Origami. Chicago, IL: Childrens Press, Inc., 1992.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 9: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 10: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 11: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kobayashi, Kazuo. Origami 12: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Kraska, Edie. Toys and Tales from Grandmother’s Attic. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1979.
Kurabu, Fujin. Happy Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha, n.d.
LaFosse, Michael G. F-14 Tomcat: an Origami Model. United States: Aero-gami, 1984.
LaFosse, Michael G. Michael LaFosse. : Binder format, n.d.
Lang, Robert J. The Complete Book of Origami: Step-by-Step Instructions in Over 1000 Diagrams. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1988.
Lanners, Edi. Columbus’ Egg: Tricks, Games, Experiments. New York, NY: Paddington Press, Ltd., 1976.
Larcher, Jean. Geometrical Designs & Optical Art: 70 Original Drawings. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1974.
Lewis, Shari. Folding Paper Toys. New York, NY: Stein and Day, Publishers, 1963.
Lewis, Shari. Magic Show in a Book. New York, NY: Hold, Rinehart and Winston Books, 1980.
Lipski, Tadeusz. Paper Sculpture. London, England: The Studio, 1947.
Mander, Jerry. The Great International Paper Airplane Book. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1967.
Mathematical Fun, Games and Puzzles.
McNeil, Mary Jean. The Know How Book of Flying Models. London, England: Usborne Publishing, 1977.
Meilach, Dona Z. Papercraft. New York, NY: Pitman Publ. Corp., 1968.
Mell, Howard. Working with Paper. Huddersfield, England: Schofield & Sims Ltd., 1970.
Mihara, Tokinobu. Origami: Japanese Art of Paper Folding – Vol. 1. San Francisco, CA: Oriental Culture Book Co., n.d.
Mihara, Tokinobu. Origami: Japanese Art of Paper Folding – Vol. 2. San Francisco, CA: Oriental Culture Book Co., n.d.
Miyawaki, Tatsuo. Happy Origami. Hiroshima, Japan: Biken-Sha, 1960.
Miyawaki, Tatsuo. Joyeux Origami. Fribourg, France: Office du Livre, 1962.
Miyawaki, Tatsuo. Origami Fun Book. Japan: Otagiri Mercantile Co., 1968.
Momotani, Yoshihide. Cute Origami. Tokyo, Japan: 1982.
Montroll, John. Origami for the Enthusiast. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1979.
Morassi, Roberto. Origami per Pinocchio. Milan, Italy: Il Castello, 1983.
More Folded Magazine Projects. Temple City, CA: Aleen’s, Inc., 1967.
Murray, William D. Paper Folding for Beginners. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1960.
Murray, William D. Paper Folding for Beginners. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1960.
My First Origami: Airplane. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.
My First Origami: Cat. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.
My First Origami: Cup. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.
My First Origami: Flower. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.
My First Origami: Water Bird. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., 1989.
My Origami Animals and Fishes. Japan: Crown-Zokeisha Publications, 1964.
My Origami Flowers: the Ancient Art of Japanese Paper Folding. Japan: Crown- Zokeisha Publications, 1964.
Nakamura, Eiji. Flying Origami. San Francisco, CA: Japan Publications, Inc., 1972.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 1: Fun with Paper Folding. Tokyo, Japan: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 2: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 3: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 4: Fun with Paper Folding. Tokyo, Japan: Froebel-kan Co., Ltd., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 5: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 6: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 7: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 8: Fun with Paper Folding. Union City, CA: Heian International, Inc., n.d.
Newell, Peter. Topys & Turvys. New York, NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1964.
Nippon Origami Assn. Edim Studio Iwao. Japan: n.d.
Ody, Kenneth. Paper Folding & Paper Sculpture. New York, NY: Emerson Books, Inc., 1965.
Ogawa, Hiroshi. The Art of Papercraft. London, England: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1971.
Ogawa, Hiroshi. The Art of Papercraft: Paper Sculpture. Tokyo, Japan: Kyuryudo Pub. Co., 1976.
Oka, Hideyuki. How to Wrap Five Eggs: Japanese Design in Traditional Packaging. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
Oliver, June. Polysymetrics: the Art of Making Geometric Patterns. Norfolk, England: Tarquin Publications, 1979.
Origami for Everyone: Paper Folding Step by Step in Photographs, Plus O-Ronni- Gami Games. Blauvelt, New York: Biograf Books, 1973.
Origami Mobiles. New York, Ny: Platt & Munk Co., Inc., 1961.
Osborne, Tom. Napkin Folding: Entertaining Stunts with Napkins. New York, NY: D. Robbins & Co., 1945.
Ow, Francis. Modular Origami., 1990.
Ow, Francis. More Origami Hearts., 1989.
Ow, Francis. Origami Hearts. Singapore: 1988.
Ow, Francis. Origami: Geometrical Folds. Singapore: 1990.
Palacios, Vicente. La Creacion en Papiroflexia. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Miguel A. Salvatella, 1979.
Paper Airplanes. Kent, England: Putnam Publishing Group, 1987.
Paper Crafts. Des Moines, IA: Meredith Corp., 1989.
Paper Folding. London, England: Search Press Ltd., 1975.
Le Papier Plisse. Paris, France: Editions du Centurion, 1978.
Paz, Octavio. Hommage aux Mains: Artisamat Contemporain Mondial. New York, NY: McClelland & Stewart, World Craft Council, 1974.
Perrelet, Paul. Pliage Decoupage Tissage Falten Scheren Flechten. Switzerland: Ernst Ingold & Co., 1964.
Peterson, John H. Origami for Christians: to Illustrate Christian Symbols, Concepts and the Bible. n.d.
Pleated Paper Folding: Methods and Routines for the Amateur Performer. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1975.
Portchmouth, John. All Kinds of Papercrafts. New York, NY: A Studio Book-Viking Press, 1972.
Pountney, Kate. Make a Mobile. London, England: Faber and Faber, 1974.
Randlett, Jean. The Best of Origami: New Models by Contemporary Folders. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1963.
Randlett, Samuel. Basic Paper Folding. Chicago, IL: Jay Marshall, 1968.
Randlett, Samuel. The Art of Origami: Paper Folding, Traditional & Modern. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1961.
Repulok: 15 Repulo Origami Modell. Kecskemet, Hungary: Magyar Origami Kor, 1994.
Des Ribambelles en Papier. Paris, France: Fleurus Idees, 1995.
Ritchie, Carson I.A. Papercraft. London, England: St. Paul’s House, 1976.
Row, T. Sundara. Geometric Designs to Fold.
Row, T. Sundara. Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding. New York, NY: Dover Publications, 1966.
Sakade, Florence. Origami Storybook; Japanese Paper-Folding Play. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle, 1960.
Sakade, Florence. Origami: Japanese Paper-Folding – Book Two. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle, 1959.
Sakade, Florence. Origami; Japanese Paper-Folding. Tokyo, Japan: Toto Shuppan Co., Ltd., 1957.
Sakoda, James Minoru. Modern Origami. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1969.
Sakoda, James Minoru. Origami Diary. New Jersey: Sociology Computer Lab., 1962.
Sarasas, Claude. The ABC’s of Origami; Paper Folding for Children. Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle, 1964.
Saunders, Mary Chloe Schoolcraft. Spread Your Wings and Fly: An Origami Fold- And-Tell. Albuquerque, N.M.: Blessingway Books, 1999.
Schonherr, Jochaim. Wir Falten und Falzen. Leipzig, Germany: Rudolf Arnold, 1972.
Schonherr, Jochaim. Wir Falten: We are Folding. Leipzig, Germany: Rudolf Arnold, 1961.
Schussler, Brigitte. Lamps Made of Paper: Lampen aus Papier. Freiburg/Breisgau: Christophorus Verlag, 1964.
Shulan, Michael. The Complete Paper Airplane Book: How to Make, Decorate, and Fly Paper Airplanes. United States: Watermill Press, 1979.
Simon, Seymour. The Fantastic Paper Airplane Book. Worthington, Ohio: Willowisp Press, 1989.
Simon, Seymour. The Paper Airplane Book. Middlesex, England: Puffin-Penquin Books, 1976.
Soong, Maying. The Art of Chinese Paper Folding for Young and Old. Norwich, England: Fletcher & Son Ltd., 1967.
Soulsman, Carole. Paper Folding Using Origami Techniques. Minneapolis, MN: Judy/Instructo, 1985.
Stevenson, George B. Weaving with Coconut Palm. Miami, Florida: Fairchild Tropical Garden, 1970.
Takagi, Satoshi. Origami Aquarium. Tokyo, Japan, 1977.
Takahama, Toshie. Creative Llife with Creative Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Mako-sha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1969.
Takahama, Toshie. Creative Life with Creative Origami. Vol. III. Tokyo, Japan: Macaw, 1985.
Takahama, Toshie. Friendly Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Mitsunobu Sonobe, n.d.
Takahama, Toshie. Kirigami. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.
Takahama, Toshie. New Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Mitsunobu Sonobe, n.d.
Takahama, Toshie. Origami Flowers. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.
Takahama, Toshie. Origami Play. Tokyo, Japan: Mitsunobu Sonobe, 1981.
Takahashi, Haruo. Happy Kirigami. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.
Takahashi, Masao. Happy origami and Kirigami. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.
Takahashi, Masao. Kirigami and Origami Dolls. Tokyo, Japan, n.d.
Takahashi, Sei-ichiro. Ando Hiroshige. Tokyo, Rutland, Vt: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1956.
Takeda, Nobou. Paper Snips; Japanese Art of Paper Crafts. Tokyo, Japan: Toto Shuppan Co., 1960.
Takekawa, Seiryo. Cute Origami. Tokyo, Japan: Sanrio Co., Ltd., 1976.
Tanase, Satoru. Origami: Japanese Paper Folding Activity Instruction Book. Tokyo, Japan: Asahi Shiko Co., Ltd., n.d.
Tangrams: Elementary Science Study; Teacher’s Guide. . New York, NY: Webste Division, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968.
Temko, Florence. A Thousand Cranes. Heian, 2000.
Temko, Florence. Animals and Birds. Limpsfield, Surrey, England: Dragon’s World Children’s Books, 1995.
Temko, Florence. Bible Origami. Heian, 1994.
Temko, Florence. Chinese Papercuts, Their Story and How to Make and Use Them. San Francisco, CA: China Books & Periodicals, Inc., 1982.
Temko, Florence. Come to My House. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1982.
Temko, Florence. Decoupage Crafts. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1976.
Temko, Florence. Elementary Art Games and Puzzles. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing Co., 1982.
Temko, Florence. Felt Craft. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1973.
Temko, Florence. Folk Crafts for World Friendship. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1976.
Temko, Florence. For Your Eyes Only: 13 Ways to Fold Notes. Petersburg, Florida: Willowisp Press, 1995.
Temko, Florence. Funny Money. Petersburg, Florida: Willowisp Press, 1998.
Temko, Florence. Gifts, Jewellery and Other Ideas. Limpsfield, Surrey, England: Dragon’s World, 1995.
Temko, Florence. Guess Who: Color and Fold Masks for Pretending. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1982.
Temko, Florence. Jewish Origami 1. Heian, 2000.
Temko, Florence. Jewish Origami 2. Heian, 1992.
Temko, Florence. Let’s Go for a Ride. Springfield, MA: Milton Bradley Co., 1982.
Temko, Florence. Made with Paper. Surrey, Great Britain: Dragon’s World Ltd., 1993.
Temko, Florence. New Testament Bible Origami. : Heian, 1994.
Temko, Florence. Origami for Beginners: The Creative World of Paper Folding. Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 2001.
Temko, Florence. Origami for Displays/Ornaments. Tokyo, Japan: Shufunotomo Co., Ltd., 1974.
Temko, Florence. Origami Holiday Decorations: For Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. Boston: Tuttle Publishing, 2003.
Temko, Florence. Origami Toys. Boston: Charles E Tuttle Co, 2003.
Temko, Florence. Paper Capers: All kinds of Things to Make with Paper. New York, NY: Scholastic Book Services, 1974.
Temko, Florence. Paper Cutting. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
Temko, Florence. Paper Folding Made Easy. Palo Alto, CA: Bemiss-Jaso Corp., 1968.
Temko, Florence. Paper Jewelry. : Heian International, 1989.
Temko, Florence. Paper Tricks. New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc., 1988
Temko, Florence. Paper Tricks II. New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc., 1990.
Temko, Florence. Paper: Folded, Cut, Sculpted. New York, NY: Collier Books, 1974.
Temko, Florence. Paperfolding to Begin With. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968.
Temko, Florence. Paperworks. Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., 1979.
Temko, Florence. Papierplezier. Holland: Malmberg Boek-Den Bosch, n.d.
Temko, Florence. Planes and Other Flying Things. Limpsfield, Surrey, England: Dragon’s World, 1995.
Temko, Florence. Scary Things. : Pages Publishing Group, 1990.
Temko, Florence. The Big Felt Burger and 27 Other Crafts Projects to Relish. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1977.
Temko, Florence. The Magic of Kirigami: Happenings with Paper and Scissors. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Publications, Inc., 1978.
Temko, Florence. Traditional Crafts from China. Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.: Lerner Publications, 2000.
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