Origami Tessellation by Waralow Kami (Tehran, Iran) 64 division and triangle grid and rectangle size of paper . design by me Category: UncategorizedBy StaffPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:New Version Tulip by Shabbir Bandukwala (Karachi, Sindh,Pakistaon)NextNext post:Jewelry Box by Shabbir BandukwalaRelated PostsChaos Theory Tessellation by StacieJune 7, 2019Tribute to The Twin Towers by StanleyOctober 9, 2018Damavand Volcano by Reza SarviMay 15, 20171st Snapology project – Egg by StanleyMay 8, 2017Origami Zahhak by Reza SarviApril 10, 2017Origami Griffin Capital by Reza SarviMarch 8, 2017