Origami Pelican

origami pelican
Learn to make an easy origami pelican that takes less than 10 steps:

    1. Start with a square sheet of paper. Fold in half on the diagonal. Unfold.


    1. Fold the left and right edges of the paper to meet the central crease made in step 1. This makes a kite shape.


    1. Repeat the process: fold the left and right edges to meet the central crease. This makes a skinny kite shape.


    1. Fold the model in half so the sharp point meets the corner on the opposite side (align the red dots).


    1. Fold the sharp point back again beyond the edge of the model. This protruding portion will be the beak of the pelican.


    1. Fold the model in half vertically (valley fold to create left and right side of swan). Rotate quarter turn.


    1. Gently pull the neck and head of the pelican away from the body.


  1. Reverse fold the tail up and tuck it between the body of the pelican. Valley fold the wing a little and you’re done!


origami pelican

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    Books about Origami Birds

    • Origami Birds by Michael G. LaFosse
    • Origami Birds by Duy Nguyen
    • Making Origami Birds Step by Step (Kid’s Guide to Origami) by Michael G. LaFosse
    • Bird Origami by Seth Friedman
    • Birds by Robyn Hardyman


    Buy Books with Origami Birds Here


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