Snowflakes for All Seasons
by Cindy Higham

Projects are all very beautiful and very creative, but they are not easy: a five year old child could not accomplish these with satisfaction, however a 10 year old who is meticulous may be able to complete most of these projects. Some projects are forgiving and it does not matter if follow the instructions loosely. However, some projects required detailed cuts that must be followed in order to get good results.

Toast to the New Year • Hearts in Hearts
Love Birds • Bunnies
Sunshine, Clouds and Lightning • Freedom Stars
Black Cats and Jack-o-Lanterns • Spiders Everywhere
Christmas Trees • Let’s Make a Snowman

Cupid • Pot-o-Gold
Lilies and Baby Chicks • Giant Cactus and Coyotes
Statue of Liberty • Autumn Leaves
Turkey Time • Thanks to the Pilgrims
Lava Flow • Thistle
~ use thin paper so it is easier to cut,
~ use sharp scissors that obey.
The book has one page of instructions telling you how to fold the paper before cutting. The remainder of the book shows
~ a drawing of how the final project will appear, and
~ a wedge showing you where to cut the paper to get the desired
Aside from the front cover, this book has no photographs.
Conclusion: all in all, I was very impressed at the variety of different themes you can make using this classic kirigami snowflake technique. Hat’s off to Cindy Higham for bringing life to this age old craft. Patterns are very pretty; not suitable for young children but great for adults and older children.
- buy Snowflakes for All Seasons here
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Paper Snowflake Books and Patterns
- Easy-to-Make Decorative Paper Snowflakes by BL Reed
- Snowflakes: Creative Paper Cutouts by Cindy Higham
- Make Your Own Paper Snowflakes by Peggy Edwards
- 100 Amazing Paper Animal Snowflakes: A Magical Menagerie of Kirigami Templates to Copy, Fold, and Cut by Marion T. Nichols
- Snowflakes for all Seasons: 72 Fold & Cut Paper Snowflakes by Cindy Higham
- Click here to see Knowflake Instructional Books
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