Origami Blog 2010
Origami blog 2010: cool, interesting, and noteworthy tidbits of information related to origami or paper folding:

December 2010:
We end this year with a beautiful series origami models made by Boon and Ronald Koh. Lovely birds and other models were made for the Canary Diamond Company showcasing their 2010 Christmas Collection of fine jewelry. Dazzling jewelry and exquisite origami, what more can a girl ask for? See more information on Boon’s flickr site.
Read the whole story. DRIFT10 exhibit.
Nov, 2010:
Frank Bölter’s exhibit “To the World’s End” involves folding a large piece of paper into the classic “Curious George” boat and floating it down the Thames river. This performance is part of the DRIFT10 art exhibit. The origami boat was quite precarious and none too elegant, but it was sea-worthy: it survived the sailing with applause from the general public. German-born conceptual-artist, Bölter was a little disappointed, he had hoped that the paper boat would sink – that being a “part of the artistic experience”.
Nov, 2010:
Now for a little lightness in your heart, consider these scented, French Origami bath soaps. Available in a melange of fragrances and sizes from Compagnie de Provence, these triple-milled bars soaps will “delight your senses as the rich and moisturizing lather gently cleanses your skin”.
Oh yes, don’t forget the origami part: the inside of the wrapper has instructions to fold an origami butterfly, bird, frog, leaf, flower and more. Advertisement by oprah.com, origami by none other than Canadian-based artists, Joseph Wu.
October 2010:
This October, the origami community is devastated by the loss of Eric Joisel, an accomplished paper artists and a fine man. Often described as “humble” and “modest”, Eric’s work speaks for itself: some love his faery-like human figures while others love his realistic animals. Memorable works include his musicians and barbarians; the Pangolin, Seahorse and Rat.
There is so much to say about Eric Joisel, the man and the artist. Read about him from: NY times, Green Fuse Films, Nick Robinson, or Jason Ku.
See photos from his funeral, fold an origami butterfly dedicated to Eric Joisel, see more of his art in his web site .
Eric Joisel died of lung cancer, Oct 10, 2010. He was 53.
Sept 21, 2010:
For those of you who can’t get enough of dollar bill origami, check out these fabulous folds by jewelry designer, Tine De Ruysser. This particular display shows 6 necklaces using banknotes from 6 continents. She also does wearable metal origami and copper lacework. See more of her creations in her web site.
Sept 7, 2010:
Himanshu Agrawal of Mumbai, India created this roaring origami dragon using several squares of large newsprint. This paper dragon was made for Dell Computers. You can see Himanshu’s dragon in his flickr site, scroll to the bottom to see the origami dragon in the actual advertisement.
August 2010:
Jeff Nishinaka is an amazing paper artists. He scores, pinches, shapes, bends, and molds paper into elaborate sculptures – he’s been doing it for almost 20 years. He says “Paper to me is a living, breathing thing that has a life of its own.” Read more about his work from Telegraph.col.uk or visit his web site.
July 2010:
These Dixie Cup geometrics have a lot of potential: all you need is 140 Dixie Cups and a loaded glue gun. I’ve been told that they’ve been around for awhile: “I used to make these when I was a kid!” You can use them as lampshades too, they may look somewhat like this (though these are styrofoam). First seen here.
June 15, 2010:
take a look at this deer head similar to the animal heads that hunters use as trophies. Chilean artist Veronica Posada made these with paper and they also function as lamps. See the “Origami’s Hunter”: deer, rhinoceros, and goat at Si Studio.
In the May 30, 2010: issue of The New York Times, Opinion section, a wreath made with origami and paper flowers was used to commemorate the unknown soldiers who fell in USA conflicts from the Revolutionary War up to the War on Iraq. Artwork by Rumors, article “The Great Unknowns” by RM Poole. Enlarge photo
May 4, 2010:
For those of you interested in pop-up cards and origamic architecture, be sure to try this amazing pop-up house created by
Katherine Belsey. Unlike other OA projects which are characteristically white, this 8-room house has everything in it including the kitchen sink. Watch video
here and download free templates here.
April, 2010:
Artist James Roper folded 10,000 paper flowers over a span of 3 years. These were arranged in concentric circles or in other interesting shapes and presented as art installation.
March, 2010:
Bradford Hansen-Smith is renown for his ability to construct incredible geometric structures from paper plates and bobby pins. In this issue of Math Monday, he again amazes us with his paper plate geometry: the helical form on the left is made with 128 paper plates. Read more about Gradford Hansen-Smith and Wholemovement from his web site.
Feb, 2010:
Unplug Design Studios has created a tubular container which can be converted into a soccer ball. After delivery of relief goods to nations in need, the cardboard container can be disassembled into wavy rings which are then woven into a ball. It is hoped that the recycled ball will bring a little happiness to impoverished children. First seen at Lovely Package.
Jan, 2010:
Remember those classic ViewMasters with the circular reel? MIT students have taken this old idea and given it new life. Sho Mi Origami projects origami instructions onto your piece of origami paper. You can fold, advance the reel, fold, advance the reel, until done. Note that the projector is in the shape of an origami bird – those MIT kids sure do think of everything From the MIT Toy Lab; not commercially available.
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