Display Origami
Here are a few ideas on how to display origami because one “problem” with origami is that you will end up with too many models. What will you do with all of them?

Give Them Away
First and foremost, we recommend that you give your models away. People love getting gifts and a well folded model is a gift indeed. Sharing is what makes the origami community strong and vibrant. Besides, after you give your models away, you can fold more. It’s a win-win situation!

Hang them Up
To deter curious pets and little grasping hands, you can string-up your origami models. What? Keep origami away from children?? Don’t worry, origami on a string will sway and twirl giving children a new perspective on your artwork. You can assemble the models into a mobile; use them singularly as Christmas tree ornaments; or hang them on the rear-view mirror of your car. A desktop origami-mobile is cute and space efficient.

Display Stands
Is your latest model dear to your heart? Place it on a pedestal, a display stand, or in cubby-hole shelf. This will signify that you absolutely LOVE origami and that it has a special place in your life. You can sometimes find nifty display stands in garage sales – one man’s trash is another man’s treasure! Photo from display origami ideas from MM’s Modular Mania.

Mirrors, Mirrors, Mirrors
Placing your origami on a display miror will give it an extra reflective element. This idea is often used in weddings and parties where the center piece is displayed on a mirror. You can even get 3-tiered mirror stands: sparkly with a touch of class. This bird looks like it is about to fly away! See various display mirrors here

Snow Globes
This dollar-bill shirt was slipped into the dry, central section of a snow globe. What a creative way to display origami! Some snow globes can be unscrewed, so you can put your origami inside and not add any water at all. Tres cool! See a variety of self-assemble snow%20globes here.

Take a Picture
A picture is worth a thousand words. Photograph your origami models and post them on the internet in sites such as facebook and flickr. It’s easy, it’s free, it’s space-efficient, and you can show off your origami to everyone.
Leave Them around Everywhere
You can display origami models on your desk at work; on the dresser at home; on the mantel piece; on the window sill; on top of the piano. If it looks good in your hands, it’ll look good anywhere. Be warned though, your models may get dusty and fade especially if they are in direct sunlight. If you have pets or young children, your model might become a toy – and then end up in the recycling bin (trashed!).
Shoebox Method
The dreaded shoebox! Origami models can be placed in shoe boxes. This doesn’t mean that you are putting them away forever. It just means that you have lots of models and cannot bear to discard any of them. Origami Grand Master Akira Yoshizawa kept his models in cardboard boxes too. I guess it’s not really a way to display origami – more like storage of origami. Amazon.com has a nice selection of boxes, ornament display stand and wall mount displays.

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More Origami Diagrams and Instructions…
These free origami instructions are made available to you by the paper folding community at large. If you have a diagram you would like to share, or if your diagram is listed here and you wish to have it removed, please Contact Us. Diagrams are intended for personal use. Copyright of the models lie with the origami creators and designers. Please contact the designer and/or creator directly for non-private usage of a model and/or artwork.