Menger Sponge (Level1) by A.S

Menger Sponge (Level 1)

by A.S

I made this model of Menger Sponge with 72sonobe units and made this modular nanotubes with sonobe units.

Iso Butane CH-CH3-CH3-CH3 (C4H10) by Abbaas Shahrokhi

Iso Butane CH-CH3-CH3-CH3 (C4H10)

by Abbaas Shahrokhi
(Iran Tehran)

With Tornillo units, you can make chemical molecules. I invented a connection unit so you do not need glue. (red=carbon blue=hydrogen)
butane= CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 (C4H10)

Triangular Dipyramid Polyhedron by Abbas Shahrokhi

Triangular Dipyramid Polyhedron

by Abbas Shahrokhi
(Tehran, Iran)

Hexane CH3(CH2)4 CH3 by Abbas Shahrokhi

Hexane CH3(CH2)4 CH3

by Abbas Shahrokhi
(Tehran, Iran)

I folded this hexane model with Tornillo units.

Various Polyhedra by Adam G

Various Polyhedra

by Adam G
(Newmarket ON Canada)

Made with 30 pieces of paper each. Read about modular origami here or get free instructions here.