Snoopy by Romie Halabaso


by Romie Halabaso

I call this dog model ‘Snoopy’ because it resembles the popular black-eared dog from George Shulcz’ comic strip ‘Peanuts’.

Parrot by Romie Halabaso


by Romie Halabaso

This parrot model is folded beginning with the Japanese or third-fold pinwheel.

Owl by Romie Halabaso


by Romie Halabaso

This is a very simple owl model. I folded this starting with a preliminary base.

Mule by Romie Halabaso


by Romie Halabaso

This mule model is folded starting with a waterbomb base.

Easy Dove by Romie Halabaso

Easy Dove

by Romie Halabaso

This is an easy dove origami. It is completed in less than 12 folds.Looks good in two-colored paper.

Gift Box by Romie Halabaso

Gift Box

by Romie Halabaso

This model is folded from a rectangular paper, about 6″ x 10″. It can also be modified to become a simple gift box without the decorative top.

Box by Romie Halabaso


by Romie Halabaso

This box model starts with a bird base.

Octagonal Tato by Romie Halabaso

Octagonal Tato

by Romie Halabaso

This octagonal tato model is folded from a square paper, no cutting. The double pinwheel folds closes the tato firmly.

Coaster by Romie Halabaso


by Romie Halabaso

This coaster model is folded from one single square paper. No cutting.

Buckyball by Thomas Leung-Tack


by Thomas Leung-Tack

This is a buckyball made of 60 units.