Mermaid by Jeramy (Neptune) 3500 pieces of .5 inch by .25 inch (1.27 cm X 0.635 cm) pieces of paper Category: CharactersBy StaffPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:5 Feather Peacock by StanleyNextNext post:Chaos Theory Tessellation by StacieRelated PostsMudkip Pokemon by StanleyFebruary 20, 2019Big Torchic Pokemon by StanleyFebruary 20, 2019Big Pikachu Pokemon by StanleyFebruary 20, 2019Origami – Wingull – Pokemon by Emanuel LuchoNovember 27, 2018Charizard Pokemon by StanleyJune 20, 2018Pokemon Kids by StanleyMarch 30, 2017